Wheel spacers suck/ Anyone else have this problem? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wheel spacers suck/ Anyone else have this problem?


March 14, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
lacrosse, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Explorer EB
I thought I would post recent experience to possibly save time and money for a few people and to see if anyone else had this happen to them......

I put a set of wheel spacers on a couple of months ago, they were the type that have studs coming out of them, and bolt onto your rotors. They look to be good quality.

Well anyways, I was driving out to my garage and I started noticing a ticking and chirping coming from up front. So when I got to the garage I jacked the X up and took the front right wheel, then i went to unbolt the spacer from the rotor. I went to loosen the first nut and it was loose, I thought "that could be doin it". I went to loosen the second one and it was also incredibly loose, what the hell. I went for the third one and out came a broken wheel stud! The other two that were loose were also broken off! There was only two studs holding the wheel on. I stared at the rotor with three broken in awe for 15 or 20 minutes and then went and got some new rotors (2 studs were broken on the drivers side also).

The rotors were only 1 1/2 years old so I dont think they are to blame. I did some research before I bought them and they sounded like a proven product. I never read a post about studs breaking off.

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Which studs broke? The stock ones or the ones on the spacer?

If the studs from the rotor broke off you can replace them. Just go to a parts store, tell them your model and ask for a lug stud, then go home, put it in the freezer. take a hammer and punch out the old studs with anything small enough to fit through the stud hole. Once its out get the stud from the freezer, which should be cold so it will shrink, and put it in the rotor as far as you can, then tighten down the nut on it, let it bottom out and pull it back off, then put a stack of about 3 or 4 washers on the stud and put the nut back on and bottom it out again and just keep torquing it down until the stud is fully tightened againt the back of the rotor/hub. Just for future reference. Never heard of anyone breaking off 3 studs before, did you hit anything hard or check the studs since the last time you took off the wheel? thats crazy....

The "stock" (they were actually 1 1/2 years old, but i know what youre sayin)studs broke off.
The studs were fine 2 or 3 months ago before I put the spacers on. I did go off-roading a few times with them on ( of course ), but I dont jump my truck or beat on it real hard, and I drive it real easy on the street.

to me, it doesnt sound liek the spacers were the problem..... it sounds liek they might have been overtorqued when originally installed....
