Wheel/tire size | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wheel/tire size


Well-Known Member
March 12, 2002
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Calgary Alberta Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 explorer sport
Hi all. I want my 96 X to look really aggressive, so I plan on lifting it just a tad, and putting the biggest low profile tires I can find under it. I want to use 20-22inch rims, and I want low profile tires. they should be about 12 inches wide. can anyone help me out? thanks.

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kinda going between the two. I will be onroad more anyway, the most offroad would be snow. Anyhow- what are the tallest low profile tires made?

If you are going low profile I wouldn't waste my time lifting it.


I was going to lift it if I could find a 33" equivalent, but for the price of wheels and tires to get that setup going I would imagine it would cost way more than a lift. what website are those tires at? what do they cost??

Nitto makes a 325/50/20 that is 32.7 inches tall. they also make a 325/40/22 that is 32.2 inches tall. i have seen the 20's in person and all i can say is MASSIVE. you will have to run some lift to get these on your X. you need to really consider what a lifted X with 20-22's and huge rubber is gonna look like. if you want that look, then more power to ya. oh, and ive got Nittos on my X, i am VERY happy with them. and no, i dont work for Nitto. lol.


it's cool to see someone trying something original.

i don't know that i would want to set my EX up this way, but if it's what you want.....go for it!

to everyone else:

if you think kirk's idea is nuts, check this:

a friend of mine is wanting to lift his brand new Cadillac Escalade and set it on 36" tires. he actually intends on taking it offroad. i haven't seen him for awhile, but last time i talked to him, he said that he couldn't find any shop(or individual) willing to perform the lift. they thought he was crazy.......imagine that.
