When should I get an order number? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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When should I get an order number?


Active Member
February 6, 2011
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I cant find an answer for this on the forum:

I went into the dealer, made a deal, signed the form. shook their hand.
How long should I wait before I ask them for my order number. How many days should it take them?

Thank you guys

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Jake - the dealer can give you an Order Number as soon as they enter the order in the Ford CONCEPS order system. They ought to be able to give you a copy of the DORA (Dealer Order Receipt Acknowledgment) the next day or so, too. Ask for it. It's your way to ensure they ordered exactly what you want.

I see. Thank you for the info.
I ordered this Monday(yesterday). Would it be a "sure thing" that they would have the order info for me by this Friday? I hope so, I want it!

When your dealer enters your order into the system he should be able to get you a projected build week as well as your VIN. Ask him for this and send a Private message with the VIN to FordCustSrvc on this forum (address it to Seni). Seni is nice enough to track your order and will send you an update.

Good Luck and congrats!!

A "sure thing" depends on the dealer. There is no reason other than system issues that they cannot enter your order and get a DORA. I've ordered 4 vehicles that way and always gotten the DORA within a day of order entry.

Getting your order scheduled is another matter! Might help to review the post below (not mine) which really goes a long way to explaining the Ford Order System. Understanding can reduce "anticipation frustration".


I just sent an email to my rep, asking for all that stuff. I always imagine that when I ask for specific forms, the rep is thinking "hmm. he knows our secrets. He must be trying to pull a scam".

Obviously it's not too secret, though the process may have changed some over time. Good luck!

Side note: I asked my sales rep how long it would take for the car to get here. He said that they are told to say 90 days, but he thinks probably 60/70 days. I dont know what to think of that

Side note: I asked my sales rep how long it would take for the car to get here. He said that they are told to say 90 days, but he thinks probably 60/70 days. I dont know what to think of that

I'm sure Ford wants them to give you a conservative answer. If they told you you would have it in 60 days and it ended up being 90 you would be pissed. But by saying 90 and then it shows in 60 your happy it got to the lot early.

Early orderers have had to endure much worse. Now that production has ramped up, wait times are improved!.

I ordered mine on 1/5/11. The dealer had allocation available (very important I understand) and graciously gave my order a Priority 10. My order was scheduled for 1/31, and was delayed once by a week to 2/7. It went into Production status on 1/31 and is being built this week. I expect it will show as Produced at the end of the week. It takes 10-14 days for transport and delivery for my location.

If I have it my Ex by 2/21, it'll have been right at 6 weeks. Not bad at all!

If the dealer has already used his allocation for the month, add at least 30 days. So the estimate of 60-90 days is pretty honest in the end - especially if your rep is not the actual inventory manager for the dealer.

Ya... I accept this. But if you think about it, that is 3 whole months. That is anreally really long time. Takes 9 months to make a baby. You could make 1/3 of a baby in the time it takes for them to get the car to you. It is snowing like crazy here. In 3 months it's going to be spring or something. Im not complaining. I'm just amazed at how much time it actually takes. Crazy.

Jake, for your info, I my order for the Limited went in on Dec. 20th. Received my VIN and build date on Feb. 7th. Being built the week of Feb. 21st. No ETA.
Also keep in mind that I believe the factory was shutdown for 3 weeks over Christmas.

UPDATE: Received an ETA of Feb. 28th this afternoon although I think that is a bit optimistic.

jake, keep us posted on when you get your info. I just got back from placing my order today, Wed 2/9/11, and am curious about the time line as well. My dealer says he'll keep me informed, but he's taken some prodding just to get this far :rolleyes:


I ordered on a Monday. I emailed my rep on tuesday night. I got an email of all the info and numbers from my rep this morning(Wednesday)

I'm sure some of the veterans here are tired of me pointing this out in every damn thread but............ I ordered my 2011 Explorer on September 3rd, 2010 after not being able to get to the dealership for 2 weeks and looking at purchasing a mid-sized SUV since ~May 2010. The simple math is 5 months and 6 days now. Granted they didn't start building for retail orders until December but still. The good news, as I found out today, it was built yesterday with no scheduled delivery date. Before the snow storm is was 2/3 build and 2/7 delivery (Des Moines).

I'm sure my dealer screwed me on allocation (since I got them under invoice before incentives) as they've gotten at least 9 Explorers according to Ford's inventory website since December and i know I was the second person to order a 2011 Explorer from them.

My order was placed 12/29/2010,I was given a build date of 01/27/11.I recieved word today that the status was changed to produced and awaiting shipment.No eta at this time.

If it helps anyone,my dealer has sold the three he ordered before mine.He gave me a priority 10.I think mine was built ,fairly fast, because of his allotment allowance. It is a small dealership in southern Ohio.

edge929, I definitely feel your pain. I've been on this forum, the Facebook page and Blue Oval forums since ordering my Ex on December 31. I toggle between them, send PM's, and just get more frustrated. No VIN or build date yet. I'm convinced it has come down to dealer allocation for me. The sales manager actually told me he was giving me a good deal ($500 under invoice, get to keep all Ford rebates/incentives) so he could get more in stock. At least he was being honest. Of course having never ordered a car before, that didn't mean jack squat to me. What he was really saying was that his allocation was crappy and he needed some help. If I knew then what I know now I would have walked out and gone to the larger dealer further from my house that was offering me invoice.

Tomorrow is Thursday, which means another message to Cory on the FB site to see what non-status update he has for me.

All this is compounded by the fact that I was in a car accident in December where my car was totalled and I decided to custom order the Ex. I sense another month of a rental car on my tab...

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It usually takes 6-8 weeks for cars to come in.
