Where to tap into horn power line? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where to tap into horn power line?


I like to fiddle...
April 23, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Fairfax, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Limited v6
I installed a horn (big, loud - not a melody one) behind my front bumper and I want it to be attached to the stock horn. I need to know where the stock horn is and its power wires are so I can attach them to a relay. Any pictures would be nice =)


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Under the left front fender.
Do note, these horns self ground. Meaning there is one 12v wire going to them and that is it. You will have to look up under the splash shield behind the core support.

Not an easy access. An easy way to tap into the supply is at the horn relay. Simply add a cheater spade on the relay terminal that sends out the 12 volt supply. Easy to get to. How I did mine.

good idea about the relay... I'm definetly going to just tap into that.

no more sissy horn for me! actually I think I'm going to run both - but we'll see how it sounds.

Hokie, I'm going to take that loudspeaker of yours and wake you up with it one morning...

performancenut said:
Not an easy access. An easy way to tap into the supply is at the horn relay. Simply add a cheater spade on the relay terminal that sends out the 12 volt supply. Easy to get to. How I did mine.

which terminal on the relay sends it out? There are no markings on it.


hydroxy said:
Hokie, I'm going to take that loudspeaker of yours and wake you up with it one morning...

to get back from the morning where we had to literally drag you by your ankles out of the bed to get you off your lazy ass? ;)

Hokie said:
to get back from the morning where we had to literally drag you by your ankles out of the bed to get you off your lazy ass? ;)

punk, I forgot about that... now you're definetly going to get what you have coming to ya.

about the relay, if anyone wants to know, there is a group of 3 terminals and a group of two. The power to the horn is the group of two.

To find the actual horn...just get someone to honk it while you are looking under the hood LOL....

Crankcase said:
To find the actual horn...just get someone to honk it while you are looking under the hood LOL....

Oh boy oh boy! *standing up waving arms, volunteering to honk the horn while you're under the hood* :p

Hokie said:
Oh boy oh boy! *standing up waving arms, volunteering to honk the horn while you're under the hood* :p

would you mind checking what is clogging up the barrel of my gun when I pull the trigger sometime? ;)

Glowin97x said:
can i get pictures of the relay location and pin ?

How about use your owners manual to find the proper location of your horn relay, pull it, and let me know if it looks like this and then I'll help you through the rest.


  • relaybot.jpg
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Hokie said:
thats easy... pull it out of your A$$ you sicko :p

Temper tantrums?


  • 12285dancing.gif
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My horn isn't working either, and according to my manual it says nothing about a horn relay...relaced the fuse and still nothing...I have a 94

