Which front axle does my 91 explorer have? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Which front axle does my 91 explorer have?


March 9, 2000
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I have a 91 explorer with bad ball joints. I looked on Car.parts.com . There are 2 different ball joints depending on the type of DYNA axle my 91 4x4 explorer has. I went a local car parts store and they asked me the same thing. I have a chilton manual, but I couldn't find anything on the axle type.
Anyone out there know how they figured out which ball joints to get on their 91-94 explorer?

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The best way to find out is to look at the axle code tag which should be attached by a bolt on the front of the axle housing.

Thanks for the update. Thats easy enough! Will I need to x-reference that tag or will it say DYNA 28 or DYNA 35 on it?


I'm 99% percent sure you have a Dana 35.

Another way to tell the difference is to count the number of bolts holding the third member to the axle pivot beam. I believe the Dana 35 has 10, and the Dana 28 has more than 10.

To be 100% certain, though, as Rick said, get the number off of the axle code tag.



100%- Dana 35. Door sticker will get you the axle code or as posted earlier the diff tag will have the ratio.

Steve VB
91 Navajo
2 1/2" Rancho,
31" Goodyear AT/S
