Which injevtor is for cylinder 3 in the 96 4.0 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Which injevtor is for cylinder 3 in the 96 4.0


December 11, 2023
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City, State
Annapolis maryland
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 explorer xlt 4.0
I just replaced all the spark plugs and wires and all new injectors n for some reason i have a misfire cylinder 3 code i tested the plug now i need to check injevtor i dont see what else would cause this out of the blue

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3 is rear most cylinder on passenger side

FYI a misfire code that appears quickly after being cleared is almost always an injector

The ignition has a hard time determining which cylinder is Misfiring so it can take a while for the code to appear, however when it’s an injector the code appears quickly
Like on the first drive cycle

So unless you have a bad valve or valve seal my money is on injector or wiring to it

3 is rear most cylinder on passenger side

FYI a misfire code that appears quickly after being cleared is almost always an injector

The ignition has a hard time determining which cylinder is Misfiring so it can take a while for the code to appear, however when it’s an injector the code appears quickly
Like on the first drive cycle

So unless you have a bad valve or valve seal my money is on injector or wiring to it
It does not happen instantly it takes a bit gor the misfire code to ome

Thefuel injector all the way at the back is for cylinder 6 so would second to last be cylinder 3?

Thefuel injector all the way at the back is for cylinder 6 so would second to last be cylinder 3?

Again Cylinder 3 is the rear most cylinder on passenger side

I have long known which cylinder is number 3 i was double checking which injector was for cylinder 3 and i was correct tge secind to last injector is for cylinder 3 it turned out the pkug had backed its way off and wasnt firing the injevtor plugged it all the way in misfire gone

I have long known which cylinder is number 3 i was double checking which injector was for cylinder 3 and i was correct tge secind to last injector is for cylinder 3 it turned out the pkug had backed its way off and wasnt firing the injevtor plugged it all the way in misfire gone

The injectors are directly above their corresponding cylinders

Second to last? What the heck is that? I guess number 3 would be second to Last of the injectors were lined up in a race to the front of the engine? Lmfao

Chevys are numbered back and forth with cyl 1 on one side and 2 on the other….but not our fords you have bank one 1-2-3 and bank two 4-5-6
Bank one is the head that is furthest forward, for our engines that is the passenger side

The injectors are directly above their corresponding cylinders

Second to last? What the heck is that? I guess number 3 would be second to Last of the injectors were lined up in a race to the front of the engine? Lmfao

Chevys are numbered back and forth with cyl 1 on one side and 2 on the other….but not our fords you have bank one 1-2-3 and bank two 4-5-6
Bank one is the head that is furthest forward, for our engines that is the passenger side
If your looking from the front of the motor the second to last injector before the firewall i didnt think i could have been more clear i was just double checking that it wasnt for cylinder the way they line up along the fuel rail theres room for error
