which tires to choose | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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which tires to choose

I have been looking around for some new tires for my extra set of rims and reading over different reviews but cannot decide between two tires. Toyo M/T or the BF km2. Right now I have the toyo A/T and I like them but they are starting to wear down. I do a fair amount of driving commuting to LTU but do make it up north for some fun maybe once a month for wheeling and what not. I cannot make up my mind on which ones to get any thoughts? belle tire has the toyo's for $200 a tire (285/75R16) the KM2's i think $215 same size

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I had Toyo M/T on my Duramax and loved them, there the most quiet mud terrain tires I have ever owned. They were quieter that my BFG AT I had!

The Toyos seem like a good choice if you want a "traditional" M/T tread design over the newer BFG KM2's, and would also be a good choice for something that would be on the vehicle quite a bit, with snow-rated traction and the least road noise in such a tread design.

Michelin/BFG usually offers some kind of discount/rebate on tires during the spring/summer, so if you aren't going to be getting them just yet, you might be able to score a slightly better deal later on.

Are you going to be putting M/T's on the second set of rims and still using the All-Terrains for most daily driving? Something to keep in mind is mud tires don't usually fare too well in cold weather or on wet pavement, especially so in wet packed snow and ice. Some are better than others, but an All-Terrain is usually a good compromise for on road use with off-road capability.

I am planning on running my all terrains as my main driving tires and keep the M/T on the second set for when I head up north or just want to mess around down here.

Sounds good.

Those are some really good prices on those tires too, almost the same as online, which is usually a bit less than what you can get at a retail store.

BFG are good tires, but they are proud of them. So I say go with the Toyo for less money.

Does anyone know what is the largest tire you can put on a stock 2000 XLS Explorer?

31" tall I believe.

Mickey Thompson MTZ
Nitto Trail Grappler (new)
Hankook RT03

kumho kl71 =p sooo sick

I've got Firestone Destination AT's on my '05. Fantastic tires, IMO. I've got just over 65,000 miles on this set, which isn't too bad for a tire that's got a 50,000 mile warranty.
