Whistling noise and front differential question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Whistling noise and front differential question


July 24, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Murrieta, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Mountaineer V8, AWD
I have a 2001 Mountaineer AWD 5.0 that is making a whistling noise. The medium pitched whistle gets the loudest between 60 and 75. Only happens when pressing on the gas. Immediately stops when takin my foot off the gas. Anybody have any Ideas on what this crazy noise is? I'm thinkin it may have somthin to do with the intake but just not sure. I found a forum on the IAC which was making the noise because it was dirty, but that was on a 4.0. Could it still be the same issue?

Also does anybody know if the front differential cover gasket and rear differential cover gaskets are the same? Parts stores are only finding the gasket for the rear.

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The IAC whistle or hum will only occur at idle, so that doesn't sound like your problem. I would check for missing or cracked vacuum lines on the intake.

I'm pretty sure that the rear diff and front diff covers are completely different. I used RTV gasket when I did my rear as described in the factory service manual.

What color rtv is best for this application?

What color rtv is best for this application?

The stuff I used was black. You should be able to find it at any auto parts place.

Here is what I found for the front diff cover. This is part of the instructions for reassembly after the axle is out of the truck. I have never removed the front diff cover on mine - make sure you have enough clearance to get it on and off before attempting - it would suck if you got it part way off but couldn't get it out.


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I have the same problem, it wasn't very audible at first but after a hard fast drive it got worse, I have a feeling it's the gears in the front diff.

I just serviced my front Diff. and I still have the annoying noise. I can't for the life of me figure this one out. Anybody else get anything figured?

Is there anyway you can get a soundclip or video so we can hear it? Also, by service what do you mean? If only an oil change it might be something more... like the gears... maybe bearings?..

Don't know if this may apply due to speeds listed:
TSB 01-11-4
This TSB applies to 2001 Explorer Sport/Sport Trac
4X4 vehicles, 1998-2001 Explorer/Mountaineer 4X4
vehicles (all build dates), and 2000-2001 Ranger
4X4 vehicles built after 11/1/1999 only.

Some 4X4 vehicles may exhibit a high-pitched
“squeal” or “whistle” type noise from the front of the
vehicle at speeds from 16 to 64 km/h (10 to 40
mph). This noise may be caused by the front
halfshaft excluder (dust) seals as they
rotate against the inner front hubs. The noise may
be more pronounced in cold weather conditions.

I can definately try to get somthin for you to hear. Yes, I only changed the oil, and was thinking about the gears, but they would make the noise even when I took my foot off the gas. It only makes this whistle when the gas is pressed. As soon as I take my foot off the gas, noise is gone.Scucci, is that a recall? Is AWD considered 4x4?

"Scucci, is that a recall? Is AWD considered 4x4? "
No it is not a recall. It is a technical service bulletin. Yes AWD is 4wd. The tsb basically says to replace the seals. If the vehicle is under warranty it is done free of charge, otherwise the customer pays.
