Whoops!! Sami and Axle Part Ways | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Whoops!! Sami and Axle Part Ways


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

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Damn!! Those guys are lucky they didn't get hurt



yea, I saw that and thought "Oh oh.."

lol.....well at least they seemed to get out ok. I enjoyed the fact the robust guy didnt seem to care and so non schlontly walked over.

re check the torque after 500 miles hahaha

Looks like that sami was lacking a low gear?

Is it bad if i found that funny?

That's only funny because nobody got hurt....

I wonder what happened? I suspect axle hop at the top of the hill caused the axle mounts to shear, then the driveshaft taco'd, then he hit the brakes which locked the rear axle, and the rest of the truck rolled over top of it. The rollover was just icing on the cake.


well its a coil sprung rear end, so I dont think its factory = welds failed on the link mounts?
I bet it was fun getting that rig off the trail!!

I suspect something definately let loose on one or more of the links. You can see the axle locks up before the rig rolls over it, so the brakes were working, and you hear the motor rev right when he starts to roll backwards, leading me to believe either the rear driveshaft snapped as a result of a broken link, or leading up to it. It's tough to tell whether or not the front wheels were still digging, but the brake lights came on as soon as it started rolling back down the hill too....

My theory is that the link broke, the axle rotated, snapping the driveshaft, which was when the engine revved and it started rolling backwards, then he switched pedals, stood on the brakes which stopped the axle, but because it was no longer linked to the truck, the truck kept going... right over top of it.

Still funny stuff....

saw this over on pirate, some of the other video in the post are funny too, like the A-team one :rolleyes:

ford 9 inch under that... howd you like the one guy just stood there at the back of the truck while other checked to see if the guys was okay... I want him spotting me...

410Fortune said:
I bet it was fun getting that rig off the trail!!

No problem... just put in in the bed of a full size pickup:D

haha that was hiilarious...

Jeebus! Talk about pucker factor... except for that one fella... :wtf:

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