whos good enough to diagnose this one | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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whos good enough to diagnose this one


Well-Known Member
February 9, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
ipswich, ma
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 xls, 4.0
right rear wheel im getting a clicking noise from 5-15 mph...

the clicking noise stays steady throughout the speed (doesnt go faster or slower)

95% of the time it happens when im turning

doesnt click when im going faster

and its pretty loud.

probably 2-3 clicks/second

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Hows the wheel bearing on the Right rear?

Do the 3rd gens still use drum brakes inside the rotors for the parking brake? Mine were making a clicking noise when the shoes started to deteriorate.

not sure how the ebrake works, i know i got disc brakes all around though

yea i found the problem its my ebrake...

i press it on and it makes a horrible clicking sound, and its so loud.

how do these work/how do i go about repairing it?

the rear discs have a small drum on the inside where the ebrake shoes sit.
Sometimes the rotors can be difficult to get off because the shoes are broken or falling apart.
My father had the same click, resolved by new ebrake shoes.


I have this exact same problem in the back right tire as well. I have yet to fix it but i think i will tinker with the E-brake to try and fix it.. Mine does not only do it when its turning though.. it maintains it sometimes even after turning.

If anyone has any other tips please let me know.

Parking brake shoes need to be replaced

The parking brake shoes fell off in the wheel drum and are making the clicking noise. Order the brake shoes and hardware from RockAuto.com (some $60) and have them replaced (some $200 in any repair shop).

Same problem here, 2002 mounty, my Drivers Side ebrake cable flexed & broek internally look like it had rusted the spring & the end of the cable that attaches to the rear ebrakes, causing it to hang without releasing fully.

'nother poor design by Ford :mad:- the ebrake cable is exposed to salt, etc. as it runs under the frame from the pedal cable to the "splitter" to each rear wheel. Cables rust and break easily.
