Why are there no tuners 2017-2018 XLT 2.3 ecoboost? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Why are there no tuners 2017-2018 XLT 2.3 ecoboost?


New Member
May 19, 2024
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Salt Lake City
Year, Model & Trim Level
2018 Ford Explorer XLT
So i've been looking all over the internet for a tuner for my 2018 Ford Explorer 2.3 Ecoboost. I mainly want it to turn off some features like the horn honk when i exit the vehicle while is running so annoying. i see there's tuners for everything but explorers with the 2.3 why is that ?

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Here are a couple threads for you to check out. Forscan is what is used to disable the double honk and adjust other features.


Here are a couple threads for you to check out. Forscan is what is used to disable the double honk and adjust other features.

Sweet thank you! I will look into this.

You need to full version of FORScan that works on a laptop with the proper corded adapter for the OBD II port to access the BCM and do any changes.

I have both the laptop version and one on my smartphone and I played with the Lite version on my phone for a while be for I realized that I needed to us my laptop for what I wanted to do.

So i've been looking all over the internet for a tuner for my 2018 Ford Explorer 2.3 Ecoboost. I mainly want it to turn off some features like the horn honk when i exit the vehicle while is running so annoying. i see there's tuners for everything but explorers with the 2.3 why is that ?
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:


And a windows based pc not Google iOS Chromebook will not work with forscan must be windows based pc
