will 33's fit? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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will 33's fit?

i have a 1994 xlt 4 door....i am planning a 2 inch body lift and warriors/f150 spacers...can i put on 33s? i will trim fenders if needed. i think i will have to get new rims. what size 15x8? if yes what backspacing? i want to do as little trimming of metal as possible to still allow 33s. would rather not do any trimming but will if needed. is 33s on it even possible with that amount of lift? if so what size?

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oh yeah, i have 31x10.5x15s on stock rims now with no rubbing...but i had to cut the cut innerfenderwells.....

i highly doubt they will fit without rubbing ,3 inches of lift isn't that much but i think that a 33/10.50 might ,might fit but i think i would go with a 2 inch body lift and skyjacker 2 inch susp. lift or shackles ,spacer +3 inch body lift , but everybody told me i couldn't fit 35's without rubbing all over the place and i did but i did cut the rear of the front fender at a angle instead of straight down

btw i am back with 33's but only because i have 3.73

oh yeah, i forgot about the gears, DOH! :banghead:

will 31s look too dorky with my warrios/spacers and a 2 inch bl?

well ryan "arsoul" has a 4inch trailmaster lift and 31's and it does look alittle wierd but i would say that 3 inches would look fine with 31's u might wanta consider 32/11.50s because in reality they are only like another .8 inches bigger and look better too

btw what gearing do u have

i have 3.73....with my 31s i dont really notice any difference in power over from the stocks......except i get better hiway miles and worse city miles

i would hold on to your 31's and then when u need new tires go to 32's and 15x8's

hey man I got a 3in body lift and I got my 33's on at a place about an hour from my house and lets just say I had to drive in a straight line all the way home. The tire wouldnt hardly turn past about half way cause It was hittin the rear of the front fender. When I got it home I took my reciprocating saw and whacked out a pretty good chunck of my inner fender and just a little bit of my actual fender but you cant tell It at all. I have no rubbing now on or off road even at full flex. I used to have 31's and I always thought they kinda looked puny but 33's look very good with a three inch lift cause they fill the fender-wells very well, give it a very even look I think, especially mud tires. I say go for it it looks very good well worth it.

hey man I got a 3in body lift and I got my 33's on at a place about an hour from my house and lets just say I had to drive in a straight line all the way home. The tire wouldnt hardly turn past about half way cause It was hittin the rear of the front fender. When I got it home I took my reciprocating saw and whacked out a pretty good chunck of my inner fender and just a little bit of my actual fender but you cant tell It at all. I have no rubbing now on or off road even at full flex. I used to have 31's and I always thought they kinda looked puny but 33's look very good with a three inch lift cause they fill the fender-wells very well, give it a very even look I think, especially mud tires. I say go for it it looks very good well worth it.

thats what i wanted to hear....i no longer have an inner fenderwall from the top of the coils back to the fender.....the sawzall is tdavis's friend....i am sure tom could help me trim the front fenders just a bit. right tom?
i guess i will do the bl and susp lift myself then have you possibly help out?
