Wind Jammer Question?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wind Jammer Question??


Active Member
February 25, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Columbia, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 Sport
To the people with Wind Jammer deflectors: Does it obstruct the hatch from opening?

I want to add one, but I want to make sure it doesn't interfere with the operation of the rear hatch.

I guess mostly this goes for the people that have 01-02 Sports. I really want the Saleen Wing but don't have the cash for it:(

Thank you for your time:)


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It does not obstruct the hatch opening. Get it painted the same color as your X and itll look great.

Thank you very much!!!!:D That was my only concern.

i have a WJ on my 01 sport, my sport is black so i opted to not get it painted ( didnt have the money at the time, and i was anxious a.k.a stupid i guess) but to be honest it matches the stock roof rack becuase of its texture so it doesnt look out of place. i also have a question though what would happen if i took it off, say to get it painted. nothing would happen to the paint right?

Yeah, my X is Black as well, I was gonna wait and see how it matched, but I will probably end up painting it, just to be on the safe side.

My experience with the 3M tape is that: as long as you are carefull and take your time when removing it, it shouldn't do any damage. I run hot water over it before and during to soften the tape up.

Originally posted by 2k1exsport
i have a WJ on my 01 sport, my sport is black so i opted to not get it painted ( didnt have the money at the time, and i was anxious a.k.a stupid i guess) but to be honest it matches the stock roof rack becuase of its texture so it doesnt look out of place. i also have a question though what would happen if i took it off, say to get it painted. nothing would happen to the paint right?

The only issue you might have if you took it off is messing up the 3M adhesive that attaches it to the vehicle. Maybe you could levae it ON the vehicle and have it painted? Also, a good body shop should have some adhesive handy to reattach it anyway.

Does the Windjammer do anything for the rear window dust collection?
I have an EGR and it is worthless. In the winter I can see the vapor from my exhaust in the rear window becauce the EGR is not pushing wind down over the window.
Any thoughts???

Originally posted by Bill Kemp
Does the Windjammer do anything for the rear window dust collection?
I have an EGR and it is worthless. In the winter I can see the vapor from my exhaust in the rear window becauce the EGR is not pushing wind down over the window.
Any thoughts???

Bill, I was hoping that the Wind Jammer would help keep the rear window clean but was greatly disappointed. It might even make it worse, but, when color matched to the truck it really looks good.

Yeah, I am basically going for form over function here. I like the style it adds. If it helps with dirt, cool. BUT, I am not counting on it:)

They claim that it clears dirt away, and it probably does just not as much as people expect. If you ask me, it's for show. :D
