Windows not working HELP!!! plz. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Windows not working HELP!!! plz.

I don't believe that the splice "in question" (the one causing your particular problem) is near the door / door jam.... its by the relay module.

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There are many many factory wire splices like the picture he linked to. That's how Ford combines wires of the same color in the harnesses. The wires are crushed together as bare copper strands with the insulation removed there, and covered with basically a solid rubber coating.

That main power does come from a relay deep inside the dash. Very rarely does that relay or that dash wiring ever cause trouble. Any break to the main power in the LF door is almost always found in the door jamb area or within a foot or so along that harness. I've been very surprised to hear of so many with breaks in those wires. I think the damage to those wires is coming from past labor done inside the door or the kick panel.

i managed to get the windows up by connecting a 12v onto the master switch and once i got those windows up i checked the power wire and its good to the point after the door. im not sure what that area is called. tomorrow i will rip out all the wires to follow the blue and black wire to the relay module. thanks again everyone that has helped out with advise.

Glad you got your windows up.... small question.... when you did this (ran 12 v to the switches)... did you try your moonroof???? AS indicated, the splice of interest is near the relay module.

The power wire goes through the main dash connector, behind the fuse panel. You cannot get to that, but it is available in the kick panel. Did you inspect any of that wire in the section of the door jamb where it moves all of the time? That's where it could most easily be cut, it's unprotected there.

nw problem...

I think i might have fried a relay, because now that i have the windows up i can't get the truck to turn on. The engine clicks but does not turn! what relay module could that be? thanks

First check the voltage, the battery may be low or the terminals not clean.

the latest

so i have managed to put the windows up but now the problem is that the truck only clicks and doesn't start... is the a GEM module problem or a Fuel pump relay problem... ???? CRAP! any help is appreciated.


i noticed that when i have the truck on the on position without it being on, and i have the radio playing... and at the same time i go to turn the headlights on or highbeams it seems to turn the radio off... what do you guys think?

keep you posted!

im charging my battery right now, and no i didn't think about checking the sunroof, it was closed and i didn't want to mess with it. another thing in the truck is that i wasn't able to check the kick panel. im not even sure where that's located at. i found the other relays under the dash but i can't take them out to check if there good... how do you remove those relay modules?

this is what just happen at 1:23 i have been chargint the truck for about 1-2 hours and it started without a problem... like always, but the windows are still not working... maybe the battery was low. but now i need to work on the windows. ill keep you guys up to date.

When the battery is low many things don't work right. Keep an eye on the voltage, and BTW you can shut off the interior lights while the door is open. Push the thumb wheel control all the way down, next to the headlight switch.

The kick panel is where your foot rests, behind the parking brake foot control. All of the wires for the LF door go into the body there from the outside. You can remove a couple of trim screws and get in there. But I would think that any break in the wire would be in the door jamb area itself, inside the rubber boot covering the wires. There is a long wire tie which holds that boot onto the huge connector, you likely would have to cut that tie off. The rubber slips back easily then to let you get to the wires.
