windstar wing? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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windstar wing?

uhhh, yeah i'd be pissed. but then i'd have more money for other things...

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i say unbolt it from grandpa's van and "hold it" up to your X to see how it would fit. i bet it would fit (one way or another) and you may only have to "adjust" the flanges were it mounts. they look like they are at some kind of weird angle. shouldnt be too much of a problem.

d@mn it drew, we've got enough people saying "lowered X's look like minivans." now you're swapping minivan parts on.:p J/K personally, i think it would look pretty good, if you can get it to work. (and i know somehow you will.)

not to mention the fact that you can order it painted from ford for 168 dollars or something.

Originally posted by expo5.0
not to mention the fact that you can order it painted from ford for 168 dollars or something.
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yep! now lets just figure out if it fits or not.

By the looks of the hatch, it looks like it would have a better chance fitting on 98+. But, you never know.

184 painted 144 primed

hey email one of the members that's good a photoshop or post it up in the general forum. Im sure that some one can photochop it for you, to see what it might look like


You get the idea...

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that is a really cool looking picture. i hope this thing fits! and that i can figure out how to get the money together/gifts together for p-3000s, that wing, air suspension, nintendo and ps2 etc. the future mods are piling up right now.

what kinda wing will fit my 91-94 X i'm jelous i want a wing

Originally posted by Skruba
what kinda wing will fit my 91-94 X i'm jelous i want a wing

If it fits, 95-97, it'll fit 91-94.

nice....i'll have to GET it

After looking at the picture i'm not sure if i really like the look of it. looks like it doesnt belong in my opinion. But who really cares about Slick's opinion anyway...

I see what you're saying Slick, flares out just a tad too much, but I dunno, it could be awesome.

yeah, I agree. I think I would have to see it really done, not just a photochop.

well, its a no go by a couple of inches. so this whole thread is now worthless. lol, i'm glad i have other plans in mind. maybe we can find a wing for another vehicle that might work...

Ah well, in a way I'm happy it doesn't fit. We all got flustered about having minivan parts on our beloved trucks. We'd never hear the end of that one!

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It's too short isnt it Drew? I kinda thought it would be. Oh well. Hey, if you're really good, you could cut it in half and make it longer.
