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wisekise's elite registry

so cool!!!

makes me want to lift my Sport so bad.

all I want is 265/75/15 BFG ATs!!! why is rubber so expensive?

sweet truck man!

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Hey the Sport looks great, great work. :thumbsup:

i had some fun on sunday, and i thought i would share
stopped to see my grandmother, she wasn't home, so we decided to hit the trail on the back of the farm before we had to go to my mother's house for dinner. thank god i had the newly rebuilt winch in the back:D
this creek tried to eat the ex

the pics dont do this spot justice, that creek is about 4' lower than everywhere else. and the ground is really soft in the creek, it almost took my shoe off 3 times while moving the winch/cradle around
its hard to see but the gas tank and rear diff was stuck on a high spot


once i winched up the hill i quickly found nowhere to go...so i had to turn around and go through the damn thing again. with the same result of course.

only this winching operation was a little more interesting as i almost lost a tire to a fallen tree. i gave the x some gas to help take some load off of the winch b/c it was squating the front susp. and that only slid me towards the damn tree. i only had a few more inches to go before it got ugly,
this tree almost took my tire

but the ex made it out fine, and had enough time to go home and take a shower and get out of the soaked clothes i was in
one more pic

Yeah, that looked like some fun. :)

so cool!!!

makes me want to lift my Sport so bad.

all I want is 265/75/15 BFG ATs!!! why is rubber so expensive?

sweet truck man!

keep an eye out for deals on craigslist, thats what i did, but be careful it turned into an addiction. i check it every day almost
