wont shift in to overdrive | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wont shift in to overdrive


January 12, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
tomsriver, nj
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 xlt
I just replaced the left front axle. It was bad to being with. Got stuck in 2ft of snow drove home in 4 weel high in 2nd gear. Now there is a ticking some were in the front that was not there before. The differential was bone dry. It will not shift in to overdrive it goes through all the gears very fast. Any sugstions?

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od lightflashing

the od light is flashing. when it wants to shift into od. not the check engin. when i restart the motor it's off

ok so i scanned my cpu n my truck and it came up no codes found...said everything normal... light still flashing and it wont shift into overdrive... shifts from 1-3rd in like a matter of seconds but will not go any further...what does this mean?
