WTF!, no O2 sensors in my 94? someone take them off? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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WTF!, no O2 sensors in my 94? someone take them off?

Four wires in each of that year oxygen sensor, two for the heater and two for the actual sensor, those two are for the sensor part. If you look at the wiring diagrams the jumper wire is so the voltage from the PCM can go through that connector, don't know why but it's a puzzle to me (Ford technician since1988) that Ford would even do that, export or not.


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Four wires in each of that year oxygen sensor, two for the heater and two for the actual sensor, those two are for the sensor part. If you look at the wiring diagrams the jumper wire is so the voltage from the PCM can go through that connector, don't know why but it's a puzzle to me (Ford technician since1988) that Ford would even do that, export or not.
Hi! Thanks for your answer.
I was not able to find in the Haynes the O2 sensors for the 94 engine, thanks for the diagram.
I have a teórical question, before deciding to proceed:
As the truck doesn’t have the catalytic converter, can I install both sensors anyway?
Or it’s going to send wrong values to the PCM?

Hi! Thanks for your answer.
I was not able to find in the Haynes the O2 sensors for the 94 engine, thanks for the diagram.
I have a teórical question, before deciding to proceed:
As the truck doesn’t have the catalytic converter, can I install both sensors anyway?
Or it’s going to send wrong values to the PCM?
Don't really have an answer for you on that it depends on the PCM programing, at least here in the U.S. oxygen sensors are cheap enough that I'd just give it a try and see how it runs.

Don't really have an answer for you on that it depends on the PCM programing, at least here in the U.S. oxygen sensors are cheap enough that I'd just give it a try and see how it runs.
I’ve a pair of new Bosch coming from USA tomorrow.
The pcm if disconnected will “learn” the new setup I guess?
If it doesn’t turns good and I want to return to the original setup it will relearn the old one?

I’ve a pair of new Bosch coming from USA tomorrow.
The pcm if disconnected will “learn” the new setup I guess?
If it doesn’t turns good and I want to return to the original setup it will relearn the old one?
I'd guess if it doesn't change anything you won't have any issues going back to the no oxygen set up, scary stuff going on next door to Uruguay today!

You scared me! What happens and were?
Uh yes!
Heavy stuff.
I hope it doesn’t grows up.
Lots of economical discrepances ( and cultural-social ones) on top of the pyramid, and the bases are moving…..
I want the best for brasil, and the best transition possible!

Hi Chirko
Seemed to be a manufacturer choice
As others have the same setup
If you have just one sensor I think you have an 92 o prior version.
What do you mean with the right , the one of the passenger side?
The one with the blue arrow?
Do you have a catalytic converter on yours?
If you have time and you want to can you take a picture of the exhaust and o2?

View attachment 437899
Yes, I have one sensor installed on the right. Where is the blue arrow in your photo? My car is 1991. And there is a catalyst. But it's already empty. The sensor has 4 wires. There is only one picture. I'll be in the garage box, I'll take it off differently.


Yes, I have one sensor installed on the right. Where is the blue arrow in your photo? My car is 1991. And there is a catalyst. But it's already empty. The sensor has 4 wires. There is only one picture. I'll be in the garage box, I'll take it off differently.

View attachment 437912
Thanks Chirko for your answer
Here’s the picture with the blue arrow pointing were you have your sensor, right?


Thanks Chirko for your answer
Here’s the picture with the blue arrow pointing were you have your sensor, right?

View attachment 437913
yes, the sensor is installed exactly there, on the right. I tried taking pictures from above and below. Getting to this place is very difficult. If it is relevant a little later I will take a picture from the repair pit.

1673270123922.jpg 1673270123899.jpg

yes, the sensor is installed exactly there, on the right. I tried taking pictures from above and below. Getting to this place is very difficult. If it is relevant a little later I will take a picture from the repair pit.

View attachment 437920 View attachment 437921
Thanks very much Chirko, perfect pictures no need for a pit one, thanks for the time!!!
Sensors are in customs, once at home installed I let you know how it worked ( if I’m able to unscrew the metal plugs on the exhausts)
I will apply w40 for 24 hs and let idle a bit to warm the exhaust to let them dilate

Thanks very much Chirko, perfect pictures no need for a pit one, thanks for the time!!!
Sensors are in customs, once at home installed I let you know how it worked ( if I’m able to unscrew the metal plugs on the exhausts)
I will apply w40 for 24 hs and let idle a bit to warm the exhaust to let them dilate
ОК. If that doesn't help, try heating with an electric welder or gas burner. Hope you get good results!

Hello all.
I was able to check with color cables, what connector correponds to bank 1 and bank 2 sensors.
Now, i don't know if bank 1 goes to driver or passenger side sensor.
By the way, one of the cables is longer than the other
Any help?
here the diagram that 1sicbronconut uploaded


  • Sensor 1 and 2.PDF
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Bank 1 is right side sitting in truck, passenger side. Furthest forward cylinder is number 1
Perfect Turdle, thanks for the information, bank 2 wire is longer too ( at least in my truck).

Hello all.
I was able to check with color cables, what connector correponds to bank 1 and bank 2 sensors.
Now, i don't know if bank 1 goes to driver or passenger side sensor.
By the way, one of the cables is longer than the other
Any help?
here the diagram that 1sicbronconut uploaded
The plug for the right side, Bank #1 will have the gray and light blue wire in it.

93-94 should have 2ea 02 sensors. There is one in each side of the y pipe

I believe earlier models 91-92 only had a single 02 sensor.. but it has been years since I worked on these so don’t quote me on that

The little jumper wire must be completing the sensor signal return circuit
