WTH is wrong with my Engine? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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WTH is wrong with my Engine?


Well-Known Member
April 21, 2007
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City, State
Baltimore, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Limited V8

So I think this is turning my love affair with my 2006 V8 Limited into a nightmare. Just don't want it to be a breakup :(

In mid August, I began driving EXTREMELY short distances. About a month later, my car would shake and idle extremely rough after warmed up. Laggy acceleration, "jumping" engine at idle etc. Finally, my CEL came on and pointed to a misfire on the 8th cylinder. I was going to do process of elimination by switching the coil on the 8th with the 7th cylinder but noticed the coil had rust and was "wet", (odorless). A week or two later, no CEL but same symptoms so I bought a new coil and threw it in the 7th, (contained that rusted one). Perfect. All was well in the world. BUT I did notice something: When I stomped the gas, there was a buck / stutter. So long as I kept it in gradual city driving, it was cool. I just figured I'd have to go out on the freeway and open it up for all that short driving I had been doing. I decided it'd be best to throw in some Techron fuel cleaner and run Seafoam. Check. Filled it up with quality gas, had to change the brakes, and Boom - battery died. :eek:

Anyway, I bought a new battery and, since it was unhooked, decided today would be a good day to clean the throttle and MAF. Did both and reinstalled the battery. Let it "relearn" the idle and marveled at what a great job I did - considering I'm not very hands on. Then...I hit the freeway....

Everything was going fine until I was going up a hill. When I tried accelerating from 55mph to approximately 57/58mph, it did that stuttering again. Symptoms immediately disappeared when I continued at 55mph. Each time I tried going to 60, same thing and each time I released to 55, all good. As I was going down the hill, I noticed I could push past 60 with less stutter that all but disappeared - until another hill forced me into the same issue. This time, my CEL began flashing!!!!! I freaked out and drove to the end of the expressway where it meets with side road. Car was shaking BAD as I waited at the light but noticeably better when I sat in Neutral. (Flashing CEL went away by this point btw). I turned onto the parallel road for my return trip and the car was fine. I mean fine. As I approached a light and anticipated shifting to Neutral again, I noticed all was right with the world. But two times on this road during my return, I'd punch the gas, get that stuttering, the CEL would flash, and eventually everything would work out.

As of now, the car made it back and purs beautifully - as if I made this up. But it's a matter of time and from what I read, a flashing CEL is a death-cry.

Any thoughts on what I should do? Unfortunately, funds are limited (very limited), as we're closing on a house. I switched the air filter today, but no clue about when the coils/plugs, or fuel filter were done. And I've heard that a lot of these symptoms sound like a misfire that could lead to the TPS. Should I wait for another CEL and remain off the highway?


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Same syptopms on my 06 v8 EB, sparkplug #8 was the problem. There is a hole under the windshield allowing the rain water to drip on #8 killing the plug and coil sometimes. I created a small gutter under there to divert the water. How many miles on the sparkplugs ?

my goodness - this sounds like it could be my Holy Grail! :D

Currently, the car has 77k on it and I took it over with 72k. Honestly not sure if/when the plugs were ever changed. This sounds like a great reason for that coil to have been so wet.

Sorry if this is a newb question, but any harm in replacing just one plug or should I just do all at once? I've never changed one before :(

I'd do them all, but mine were still good at 99k miles except for #8. Thinking of replacing the coils now at 145k miles.

Thanks man! I think I'm literally going to replace just the 8th cylinder for a month and then do all of them with a new top-of-the-line set at Christmas. Btw, when I replaced my coil, I used an Accel and it was AMAZING! When I save up this spring, I'm going to replace all mine just so I know it was done.

I am looking at the yellow accells as well, the whole set. I think I have been lucky with mine; at almost 150k it still does the job, pulling trailer, plowing snow, and clocking almost 100 miles a day on original coils. I went thru 6 or 7 bearings by now, I replaced the diff fluids and tranny fluid already twice just to keep it healthy.

Thanks for posting this thread, its great to have some insight to the same problem my 08 explorer V8 is having and yet have an active thread. I understand your love hate relationship, because while I love my explorer, these nickle and dime problems were the reason I sold my much older explorer. I just spent 400$ two weeks ago on a new alternator, so I'm hoping that the suggestions here lead me to a solution without having to take it back to the dealer at least before thanksgiving. Hell maybe I should just get it done and over with, maybe they caused the problem after installing the damn thing?

My issues: stuttering while accelerating around 55-60 mph worse going uphill, slight vibrations while sitting but get worse as my speed picks up, a week ago I had the engine indicator blink twice, signaling misfire but havent had any indicators or warning messages since then (and I drive every day). Noticed this morning that my exhaust pipe is black, would spark plugs/coils really cause it to run rich? I think its a bigger problem than that (but heck if I know) but were going to replace the rest of the spark plugs tonight anyways (we already replaced half of them) and by we I mean my husband :). what should we do next? Thanks for the help!

I had the same problem. It rained a bunch for a couple of days and the problem followed. It turned out there was moisture in the #8 cylinder, so I blew it out with the air compressor and that fixed it. Good luck with it.

do a complete tune up plugs + wires my 91 exploder would do the exact same thing it liked 55 but anything over it was scary like front end was gunna fall out did tune with E3 spark plugs runs perfect now hope it helps
