yet another alternative to Dynamat | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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yet another alternative to Dynamat


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June 26, 2002
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2002 Sport Trac
I've searched the site and I don't think anyone's found this stuff yet.

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I hope the link works. If it doesn't, the name of the stuff is Frost King Duct Insulation. It's a self adhesive foam backed with foil,about 1\8 in. thick. I managed to do two doors on my Sport Trac with one roll of this stuff, inside and outside layers. It got rid of an annoying rattle I had in the right rear door, and has severely cut down on road noise. It's even helped the factory speakers sound a bit better. (My complete stereo is coming as a Christmas present, so I'm trying to get the truck ready for a quick install.)

Hope this helps someone else soundproof their truck.

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cool.. ive heard people use roof insulator and stuff like that... Glad it works!!

Is it heavy? Dynamat works best because it's so dense. The added mass helps to dampen vibrations. If this foam stuff is really light weight, it will help to absord some of the sound, butnot dampen the vibrations like dynamat. Let me know, becuse I really don't want to spend another $700 to do the rest of my X.

I really don't have any Dynamat on hand to compare, but I'd say its pretty heavy. The foil backing is thicker than heavy duty aluminum foil you can get at the supermarket. I had to put on work gloves to finish the job after a corner claimed one of my fingerprints.
I can say that the doors have a nice solid 'thunk' when you close them now.
The foam is dense, and can't be compressed much further since its so tightly packed. Teh stuff won't comform to the shape of the door well unless you finish the job with a hard rolling.

What about Fatmatt, I used it on my whole explorer. It is tons cheaper than dynomatt and works great.

Use b-quiet extreme its a lot cheaper then dynamat and IMO its better... i bought a hundred sq foot roll for 130 bucks ;]

I will be buying some of this stuff today. I will let everyone know how it goes.

I used some stuff like this. I have some advise though. ROLL THE CRAP OUT OF THIS STUFF! Make sure the surface is VERY clean and VERY dry. Then apply it and roll it like no other. You don't want it falling off and sticking to your windows . . . like me. But as long as it is done well, it will work great.

ok...well I bought a few rolls, and this stuff seems like it will work very well. I installed it on my drivers door, sad thing is, I lost my hearing in my left ear recently so I can't really tell how much of a difference it makes. As soon as I get my hearing back(Assuming I will) I will let you guys know. Heres a few pictures.


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Heres a picture of what the package looks like.


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Here's a closer up picture of the foil/foam.


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And here's the after picture. I know the job is not that great, but I had never done this before and learned quite a bit by doing this door, so the next one should look better.


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They think it is a case of a bad earache and TMD( Temporomandibular Disease) something to do with my jaw coming out of socket. I have to make an appointment with a specialist today.

looks like a job well done. hope ur hearing comes back soon

Originally posted by jssong
looks like a job well done. hope ur hearing comes back soon

Thanks a lot. I hope it comes back too. It's really bad especially when you have a 2 yr old son who talks soft. I keep having to say "What did you say" and he starts to get frustrated with me.

I agree with the 'roll the crap out of it' sentiment. The foil is pretty damn thick and needs to be molded well to keep the foam in line.

Also, one drawback I can see after having it for a couple days is that if you ever need to remove it, that will be some tedious work. If you're not careful, the foam will not come off with the foil.

I also never discussed price. My Home Depot had it for $15 bucks a roll.

From what I've seen and heard people say, it seems like this foam stuff would be great on floors and firewalls. Put a double layer of this stuff underneath the carpet and it would be great. Buton doors and other tricky parts, I think the Dynamat is better. Yes it's more expensive, but it also adheres great. I'll post a pic of my doors soon. The Dynamat went on easily and hasn't even thought about coming off. Also, while I did roll it out thoroughly, it'smailny because I'm an **** personality type, so I usually overdo everything. It would have been fine with only pressing it on.

So yes, I do think it's a great alternative, but only in certain areas. I'll prpobably go and get someof this stuff to put under the carpet, but I'll "stick" :p on other parts. Of course, since those other parts are already done, it's really a moot point.

Cheers! :D

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Actually I just gently rubbed it on at first to get everything situated, and I had to remove some was a pain in the ass. It stuck really well to the metal (I did clean it before doing this) it does not stick well to itself though.
