York Air Compressor Install | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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York Air Compressor Install


March 9, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Corona Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Ranger
I had asked awhile back if any one had ever installed or seen any install kits for the York Compressor. The replies I received were no kits and good luck. Well I have the unit mounted, it took a little engineering but it's on there. The next thing I have to overcome is the drive pulley, but I don't see a huge problem there. If anyone is interested in this set up let me know , if there is enough Interest I might draw up the plans and make them available. I am still a couple of weeks away from having the system up and running I will keep you posted.

I'm interested...

Is this a pulley driven compressor that attaches to the motor?
I would like some details: compressor specs, cost, and your install details, pics...


I am interested in seeing a few pictures or plans detailing the install........I installed a york in my 1982 Toyota......it had quite a bit of open engine compartment so it was relativley easy.

any info would be great.


I am very intrested! in plans and the such
