Oops, I did it again... | Page 18 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oops, I did it again...

My boss's nephew has had this poor, beat-up little '95 Sport for the longest time, just beating the crap out of it and trying to wheel with J**p friends who were obviously better set up for 4wheeling... two weeks ago it came in with a blown hub, bad upper and lower balljoints, bad tie rods, and some other issues. They saw $2600 worth of damage, I saw a candidate for an axle swap :D Since the little guy is only worth MAYBE $3,000 in current shape, the kid decided to junk it.

I couldn't pass it up :D In the next two weeks I'll be nabbing Snoborder's EB Dana44 and waggy leafs and making myself a mean little monster ;) I don't much like the 'green bean' look though, so as soon as I've got enough saved for a nifty Maaco paintjob, it's getting sprayed platinum grey with silver stripes! I plan on raiding Harry's and scoring some grey leather seats, fender flares and a manual t-case (maybe even make a doubler if I can squeeze in some more overtime).

What about Shelby you wonder...? Her fate is still undecided. She's still too nice to trash (I wouldn't do that to her anyway-Tank was a whole 'nother can of rust) and I haven't found myself crazy over the extra foot of wheelbase when trying to take sharp turns on the trail. No offense meant to you 4 door lovers, I just have a thing for 2 door second gens :D

1995 Sport 4.0 OHV
5 speed manual
P/w, p/l, no stereo yet
flattened out monoleafs
blown shocks
two bent up bumpers
screwed on passenger mirror
new Clutch
new idler pulley (after it suddenly just disappeared)
Looks an awful lot like Doug's first Explorer, that I carted to the crusher's after he wrecked it :eek:


  • 04-01-06_1644 (Small).jpg
    04-01-06_1644 (Small).jpg
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It's all good... I'm not mad at anybody really. Just the transmission itself. That, and the 19mm socket that flew off my air gun and nailed me in the forehead at mach III :hammer: I'll get the sucker out eventually, but it definitely needs a redesign!

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Ya, my tranny x meber is giving me probl.... Oh ya, mines stock. :p:

How do you always manage to throw things with you impact gun, I dont think ive even flung something.

..... I'll get the sucker out eventually, but it definitely needs a redesign!

What...the socket out of your forehead???:D aaannnndddd...are you saying your head needs a re-design, or the truck????:eek: :p:

BTW...once I get home...I see a photoshop opportunity..hehehehehe:D :D

I can imagine seeing the imprint of a 19mm socket on her forehead..

How do you always manage to throw things with you impact gun, I dont think ive even flung something.

My Ingersoll has more torque than both of my trucks put together :p: And I think the socket came off because I was expecting more resistance from the bellhousing bolts... they were only torqued down to barely more than fingertight :eek:

Taking a rest from the truck today, since A) I'm sick as hell and B) when it's raining our car pusher doesn't have enough traction to shove Morgan back into his uphill parking spot. Can't use Blackjack either, no 4wd to grab the wet ground anymore, woops.

My Ingersoll has more torque than both of my trucks put together :p:
... when it's raining our car pusher doesn't have enough traction to shove Morgan back into his uphill parking spot. Can't use Blackjack either, no 4wd to grab the wet ground anymore, woops.
Torque eh :shifty_ey ... well it only makes sense that you use the Ingersoll to move Morgan up into his parking spot.

Torque eh :shifty_ey ... well it only makes sense that you use the Ingersoll to move Morgan up into his parking spot.

I wonder if I could use it as some kind of powered come-a-long... hmmm.... :D


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That they do, if you dont want to pony up the cash for a real gun :p:

wants and cants are 2 different things, but i got a good deal on both of em, and they get the job done. wont put a lug through the wall but they still boune far enough that i have to put the air hose down to go get em

anyway back on topic... that photoshop frigtens me
