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FROADER's '04 E-350

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Ah yes, totally forgot to update this one.

Dan found me a smokin' deal on some '04 f250 axles geared wit 4.56s. I hope to have them installed by August, but we'll see.

Check 'em out suckas!


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I seen a new e350 van yesturday and i am now getting inspired to do this also.....

How will the axles get from AZ to you, Colin? Roadtrip?

I have to go to Vegas at the end of next month if that helps? I 'm renting a car and driving.

Hell yeah, get a Ford Festiva and we'll slap these on the roof. It should only add about 8 hours on your trip.


win millions of dollars playing blackjack and swing your Jurassic Jet into Sky Harbor and we'll load these axles in there for your trip home.

I do wish to come to California...kinda hard to do this over here.


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Yeah I was thinking about it after I posted it... 1500lbs+ of axles in a Magnum probally would not do too well:rolleyes:

Zukman and Zukmam need a mini vacation! Who's paying for the gas?????????????


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Froader.. whats the update? Danny bring your toys out yet? :cool:

A perv candy van with a cross in the back window? Catholic...?

sextionXIIX - Dan is in Santa Monica and I got a text yesterday, but he didn't have any room to bring the axles. Unless someone else is coming from Scottsdale are to "The OC," anytime soon, I might just make the trip with the trailer out there in the next month or so.

A perv candy van with a cross in the back window? Catholic...?

That's why it's so funny!
I like the lifted one better!

Colin, something just crossed my mind and i was just wondering why you're planning what you're planning for the van. I've lately been reading threads on Pirate for fun, and everyone is putting 1 tons under their rigs and claiming that D44s are just not worth it. This made me think about why everyone here swaps in 44s under their explorers. I realize people here dont quite push their trucks as hard as those on Pirate do, but i do recall Izwack saying (prior to starting his D60 swap) that when he looked at his truck with the 44, he just yawned. So finally, what i am wondering is, if you are getting those D60s, why not put them under the explorer, and put the explorer's axles under the van? Excuse my ignorance because I don't really know much of what it takes when it comes to towing, but could half ton axles not handle the load of the van + trailer + explorer for towing?

I understand your thinking, but the first problem with swapping the ex axles to the van, is that they are not full width. A 44 might be fine under the van for the use that I'll be putting it through. And believe me, I thought about leaving the van the way it is and putting these new axles under the explorer, but I've always wanted the lifted 4x4 van, so that's where they're going. If I find another set for the same deal as I got these, I'd definitely get them and throw them under the explorer. The current van rear may end up going under the explorer right now, unless I find a FW 8.8 like Stic-o did, so i could just swap my gears that I already have into it.

You're right about the different styles of wheeling too. The more hardcore guys get throttle happy to make it up a crazy obstacle, where as I like to see if I (for now at least) can crawl up stuff. We'll see if that changes when I get a cage and put it through the transformation I have planned for it.

...I say put those axles on your X...:thumbsup:

...I will even help you install.....

...Your old front axle under my X...:p:

but i do recall Izwack saying (prior to starting his D60 swap) that when he looked at his truck with the 44, he just yawned.
LOL wow, I gotta stop yawning.

But the D44 will not work under the van because its not rated for it. Froader would probably be changing U-joints and wheel bearings quite frequently if the D44 was at the front of the van (the V10 engine is not light). Plus I'm not even sure how one would go about converting a D44 to a 8x170mm lug pattern.

I have some axles you can put under your explorer Colin

$2500 and the explorer comes with them for free :D

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