FROADER's '04 E-350 | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FROADER's '04 E-350

I thought it was a hump day thread there for a sec:p:

Let me know what you need colin and I'll keep a eye out:thumbsup:
I need the axle out of your dad's truck :p:

Just being curious but how expensive would the camper top conversion be?

and how much was the brakets you just got?
Not sure about the pop-top yet. Way more than I have right now though. :)

The brackets were $550 + shipping to my door. It's a "bolt-in" kit too.

By the way. You have me thinking of getting a van now.

Vans are this shiz, Burns. Just be prepared to have your friends to always want you to drive everywhere. :rolleyes:

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Man i want a van with the camper top conversion........I will be watching this for a possible tow rig soon

I could have been using this to transport all my free labor here lately...

Messed with the pic that dannyboy posted. I think this is how I want it to look.



Here is one I saw on I5 down by San Juan Capistrano a few months back.


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Messed with the pic that dannyboy posted. I think this is how I want it to look.



you should add the red strip;) It's not a copyright:p:

Very nice, just need the thin red stripe on the rims and it's good;):thumbsup:

It's FROADER'S van, not Stic-o's van. :p:

My explorer doesn't have the red stripe.

yeah...but you know you want one!:p: truck dosn't look like that anymore:D

Did you try stretching it out across the door too?

I just have never liked that font:(

I was thinking more along these lines.

That is the smallest barber shop in the background that I've ever seen.

Is that window and option on the rear or was the one I posted a panel van with windows added? I'm really digging the van idea too, I'd consider moving on from the Super Duty if I could find one. I'm not having any luck with finding a good, small, reliable, tow-worthy motorhome.

Also considering a 30' enclosed car trailer that I think I could squeeze the explorer inside.

Yeah, the one you posted started life as a cargo van and had the windows added.

Here is the other font I have, that's in the sticker.


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Much better font! :thumbsup:
