Homemade mudflaps - what to use? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Homemade mudflaps - what to use?


Elite Ranger
Staff member
Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
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City, State
Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
I need to fab up some rear mudflaps for the drive to moab next month. (Last time, I got stopped in AZ for no flaps :rolleyes:)

So, where can I get some cheap mudflap-type material? I don't want to go buy any new flaps for a bigrig, or anything. I want CHEAP! ;) Something I can get at Home Depot, or the like, and cut up to the size and shape I need. Just some rubbery sheet stuff.

Any help? :D

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Dollar store black welcome mats.

i know explorer DMB used pond lining to make gap guards, that material might be sufficient, i havent actually handled it for a project, though ive been meaning to make some gap guards myself, and they sell pond lining at the HO. D.

i second the floor mats.

Bill, Pep boys has some that wern't to bad I saw the other day. Just a basic plain mudflap. I was thing about finding some factory Explorer one to put on, where it says "Explorer" at the bottom :D

junkyard grab some off a dually or something, old recker

You can contact your local plastics dealer (like sign suppliers) and pick up some ABS or soft plastic sheet for cheap. I made my fender liners for $20, abs plastic, plenty left over for other projects.

Long rubber floor mat from walmart, cut in half makes 2 good mud flaps for under $20

All good suggestions, thanks. :thumbsup: I'll start by looking at the floormats at Walmart and the .99 store, they're closest. :D

I used some mudflaps from pep boys or autozone.

Get the flaps, about 6 ft of 3/4" square tubing, and a couple clips from home depot I used and come down saturday and we will fab them up. I have the rest of the scrap metal we would need. Shouldnt take to long to knock them out with the two of us. After the flaps we can play with DB1s bender and try to make something for my truck :D

Aslo bring me a small tiki and we can load the dana 35 up for the ride home as well :D

pffft I have parts to trade, where's my tiki? hahaha
How about a 88 Bronco II for two massive front door guarding tiki's?

Matt, maybe I will come down. Can you work some of that gas line into the trade? :D

Jamie, I thought I gave you my trade deal, tikis for your repair skilz. :thumbsup:

See Jamie, you should not have left Cali.

I'm on the Rent-to-Own plan. :p


Now if I can just find something Bill want's so I don't have to give it back :D

RangerX said:
Matt, maybe I will come down. Can you work some of that gas line into the trade? :D

No problem I should be home saturday and sunday. Probably going to start tearing my brothers ranger apart this weekend to get it fixed but let me know what works for you.

Here's mine.




They are a little big but I don't want to throw rocks at my Boler trailer. I bought the flaps and all the hardware at my local Freightliner dealer for $60 Cdn. Everything is adjustable and is super quick to remove them.

My little brother bought some hockey rink change room rubber. the stuff on the floors and made some custom ones, they worked awesome but he didn't tie them back and the one got caught in the tire when wheeling and well the rest is history hasnt put it back on yet.

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