Stic-o's F-150 Supercrew | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stic-o's F-150 Supercrew


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
So I went out today and bought me a Tow Rig finally:cool: Not sure who will drive it everyday, the wife has really taking a liking to it.

Anyway here's some details..

2005 F-150 XLT Supercrew 4x2
3.73's LS
Tow package (9500lbs tow rating)
Grey on Grey


K&N Filter
Prodigy P3 brake controler
4x4 front tow hooks
Edge Evolution Programer
Gibson Exhaust
Custom DSG Painted XLT 4X4 Wheels
Harley Davison Style Headlights
Smoked LED 3rd brake light
Super Duty Fog Lights
4x4 FX4 front coilovers
Slotted Rotors
285/70/17 BFG All Terrains
Air Lift-Air Bags
Clarion CX-501

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Super sick, stic. What's the plans for it? :cool:

Will be watching this thread. Please update it after you tow with it.

I am leaning towards the excursion still.

nice truck man! when are you gonna strip it for paint?

Ok Stic-o, we started out with the same Explorers and same wheels and tires. Now look at yours, now you go out and buy the same truck I have also. I can only imagine what this one is going to look like shortly. Stop taking my vehicles and fixing them up the same way I want to, your taking all my ideas.


nice rig. I was just watching a show on TV this morning and they were showing a brake controller that T'd into your brake line to measure pressure. I've got it built in, but it would be nice for towing instead of manually adjusting.

paint something like "Hollywood Productions" on the side so when it's towing the Jurassic Park Rig people will think there's another movie being filmed someplace.

Honestly, she'll probally stay pretty stock for awile. Part of the deal with the wife. But I said that for the Explorer too.:D Probally only real plans in the future at this point are k&n, exsaust, and a brake controler for towing. not really planning to raise it, as I'd like to keep the milage good.;) My uncle has the same truck, but 4x4. He has a stage 2 roush, and about to go to stage 3.:D He also has a couple of black racing stripes up the center, which sounded kinda cool:thumbsup:

Good Choice!! We bought an '05 SCrew new and it's been a great truck!:thumbsup:

everyone is growing up so fast. :(

everyone is growing up so fast. :(

Yeah it's kinda interesting how many us so cal people use to use our rock crawlers as DD's when we all started and now we're all getting tow rigs.:thumbsup: I think it's a good thing;)

Tom Rios made the comment last time out, how much we have all matured. We know look at some obstacles and say, naahhh that looks like I'd break or roll...not worth it, and got nothing to prove.:cool: We're just out to have fun.

Nice! The 3.73's should get you halfway decent mileage too, for a full-size anyway.

We just did a run to State College (40 miles each way through the mountains of Central PA) for dinner/shopping and got 19.4 mpg AVERAGE
out of our 05 F-150 with the 5.4 with the 3.73 gears....not too bad for a full size truck!!:thumbsup: Now I was paying attention to my speed and how I used the throttle to maximize my mileage.

paint something like "Hollywood Productions" on the side so when it's towing the Jurassic Park Rig people will think there's another movie being filmed someplace.

:D That made me lol. I completely agree, or just paint it to match the X.

Scored some factory '05 Expedition 4x4 tow hooks, for the front, I thought it would be a good idea for the places we go. and for about $30 bucks to my door, how can I lose:D:thumbsup:

Scored some factory '05 Expedition 4x4 tow hooks, for the front, I thought it would be a good idea for the places we go. and for about $30 bucks to my door, how can I lose:D:thumbsup:

Didn't yours come with them? My '05 F-150 has them standard.

*cough* get some black wheels *cough*

:) looks good!

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Didn't yours come with them? My '05 F-150 has them standard.

Nope , cause mine's a 4x2

and no black wheels:rolleyes:

I was thinking of snaging these off craigslist. They are the FX4 wheels off a '07 Expy;) For only $100 bucks

