TDS Safari 2004 - March 6-7 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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TDS Safari 2004 - March 6-7

But, that set of 33's for sale will be there

No Money:p Unless you wanta work out a deal!:rolleyes:

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The Kid and me are going!

Leaving around 1:00pm on Friday. Where are we camping, on the mesa again (same place as last year)?

My friend from work is coming out with a ZUK. He is a beginner and has never off-roaded it.

I am not registering.

I know we were up on the mesa to avoid the crowds - but last time all of our chairs and firewood got stolen while we were out on runs!

I have never heard of any theft out there before, but I guess TDS attracts some real Jackasses. No chairs or firewood makes for boring nights.

Maybe we should camp down on the flat with the rest of the crowd, just closer to the highway??

Or, we could take the same right fork we usually take off Marina Drive and just go farther up the road alongside Palm Wash? That should keep us out of the dust and right next to the trails. As long as Paul and his monster RV are not planning on coming, the rest of us could do that with no problems.

Who is going to get there first? I should be there by 3:00pm Friday.

Originally posted by BKennedy

Who is going to get there first? I should be there by 3:00pm Friday.

Everything off of Marina drive is packed for TDS. It's a zoo down there. How about if we camp on one of the home sites on the other side of the Hwy right in Salton City :D There is plenty of empty land in there. Maybe we could find a beach front lot J/K.

Originally posted by Rick
Everything off of Marina drive is packed for TDS. It's a zoo down there. How about if we camp on one of the home sites on the other side of the Hwy right in Salton City :D There is plenty of empty land in there. Maybe we could find a beach front lot J/K.
LOL. I think i'll pass on the beach front lot. :fart:

I don't plan on being there till late friday night.

I have no problem with camping on top of the mesa. I think much of the problem with the stolen chairs :fire: was that our tent was right on a main road, by itself (since we never found anyone else).

You guy's don't have to worry about my MONSTER RV :eek: being there. I don't think we can make it out there this time.:( So go camp where ever you like. If by some small chance we do make it out there, we will probably find some high mesa to park it.:D Have fun if we don't see ya!!

I like the new avatar, Paul!

There is LOTS of land up on that mesa along S-22. There are always motorhome camps futher up the road towards the radio tower. I should be safe near others. I never liked that spot we've used before, it's a field of rocks. (I'm in a tent)

I vote for the mesa off S-22, northside of S-22, between the microwave tower and the closed roads. Last time we camped off of the easternmost road and Bill is right, its all rocks. The closer we get to the closed roads (the original truckhaven trails) is better because that is where we need to go to get down the mesa. I have camped up there before with my parents and the view is awsome. I also tent camped there one time and found a soft spot among the rocks. I am thinking about a spot just west of the closed road that is like a little cove, with the trail down nearby. Our rigs should be easy to spot off S-22 during the daytime and we could come up with something to make them visible at night too, like a couple of plastic pumpkins with glow lights???

I just checked the extended forcast and it looks like another great weekend in TruckHaven. Mostly sunny, lows of 46 and highs of 76. Perfect wheelin weather!

Can we get a vote on the camping location?

Originally posted by BKennedy
Can we get a vote on the camping location?
Anywhere along S-22 is fine with me as long as its tent friendly and I can find you when I pull in at 10pm.

I'll be coming in around noon on Friday. I'm open to anywhere also. Brian, how about drawing a map for us. I'm really not to sure about the directions to the area you were talking about.

My kids are out of school on Friday, so I requested it off.

If things go according to plan, I should be rolling in around noon on Friday also. (If not, I'll caravan with Jefe later in the evening)


I spent about an hour looking for a map I could use, and the only one that had enough detail was for my GPS and I can't save it in another format to draw on.

For those of you coming southbound on 86, take S-22 westbound (right turn). Stay on S-22 until it turns right then goes up a steep incline with a sharp left turn (less than five miles). As you come up toward the top of the incline, you will see the original Truckhaven Trails on the right. They are two dirt roads right next to each other, both lead down to where we wheel (I think they both have "Road Closed" signs). If you go down the first one, its where we camped two years ago for TDS (not enough area for us and too many rocks). If you take the second one, it might be too rough for Rick's camper, so go past both roads and turn right into the next turn-off you can find. Go to the edge of the mesa and camp.

I should be there between noon and 3pm.


Originally posted by BKennedy

I should be there between noon and 3pm.

Rodger that! See ya there

I just sent Rick a email with a "better than nothing" map. Please post it for me.

Oh, yeah; Wednesday I am adding some tubing to the sliders to make them a little wider. Now all that is left (for a while anyway) is my custom front bumper and a winch.



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I will be there again this year, but as a new 5.0:D

Anyway, hope to see yall there this time. I only met like three people from this board last time.....


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    truck is done from drivers side front (hood pins).jpg
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Originally posted by Chief34
I will be there again this year, but as a new 5.0:D

Anyway, hope to see yall there this time. I only met like three people from this board last time.....
4WD this time? can't wait to see the 5.0 :thumbsup:

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