10 runs of 1/0 in 2nd gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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10 runs of 1/0 in 2nd gen


Well-Known Member
January 16, 2005
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abbotsford bc
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 5.0 limited
Put in my 10 runs today. Worked out fairly nicely although the sump hose I used as a conduit was a bit of a pain to feed through the floor.













think thats about it

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this is why I only run 5k rms now and run 6 svr 80-12s IN THE BACK

looks fun

this is why I only run 5k rms now and run 6 svr 80-12s IN THE BACK

looks fun

i wish I could run more than two batteries. Would help out a lot. My amps are going to hate me

Oh well in future years im sure ill eventually do a walled setup and run a giant battery bank in there

where did you get the wiring at?

i wish I could run more than two batteries. Would help out a lot. My amps are going to hate me

Oh well in future years im sure ill eventually do a walled setup and run a giant battery bank in there

Yeah I hope that whole memphis-fire rumor doesn't come true for you.

But Dam you are going for ppl's nuts in '07 now aren't you, when I got to finals in '05 I saw the $$$ it takes to make it to a top spot and kind of got out of the scene a bit, props man, it's not cheap or easy!

Bassrace for me from now on me thinks...

Cool.. Think I woulda went with Kolossus or Kicker HyperFlex though. That is my next project when I'm done with Street A and go with 4 18 BTL's and half dozen Kinetik monsters.

Yeah I hope that whole memphis-fire rumor doesn't come true for you.

But Dam you are going for ppl's nuts in '07 now aren't you, when I got to finals in '05 I saw the $$$ it takes to make it to a top spot and kind of got out of the scene a bit, props man, it's not cheap or easy!

Bassrace for me from now on me thinks...

any amp will smoke if the voltage drops low enough. Im not too scared of blowing these up because I should have a replacement within 2 weeks or so. Thats the main reason I went with memphis over DD. The guy I bought these amps from originally bought them for finals because he was still waiting for his z1 to come back. 4 + months at that time.

Im not even sure if ill be going to dbdrag finals this year actually. We only have 1 dbdrag a year here within 8 hour drive so it would be pretty hard to get the required points. I might be doing iasca finals however. Im hoping to keep this vehicle though for atleast a couple years rather than switchin after every season. That should help a bit.

yea its knu klm cable

Cool.. Think I woulda went with Kolossus or Kicker HyperFlex though. That is my next project when I'm done with Street A and go with 4 18 BTL's and half dozen Kinetik monsters.

i have no need for a wire with that high of strand count. Wont need to tie it in any knots and the higher the strand count the more strands are severed every time you use a mechanical lug on the wire. I tend to switch up my setup a lot so I like to have less strands of a higher gauge.

Also the shielding on the KLM is thicker than the kollosus. With no fuses I try to be as safe as possible in my daily driver.

BTL's look nice. They were on my shortlist of 4 subs to get for next year. But I bit the bullet and went with 9912s instead

Put in my 10 runs today. Worked out fairly nicely although the sump hose I used as a conduit was a bit of a pain to feed through the floor.













think thats about it

looks like the battery is sideways?

why cant you use more batteries?

looks like the battery is sideways?

the battery is on its side. i thought that was better than the terminals hitting the hood.

why cant you use more batteries?

the rules in the classes i compete in are limited to 1 battery in the stock place and one elsewhere only. Both batteries have to be relatively close to stock size.

With no fuses sound like a fire hazard to me.


fuses cause resistance in your power wire...More resistance= less power.

You wont find any world class competitors in dbdrag using fuses. It makes a difference, every little bit counts.

You need a lesson in electronics.

Fuses don't add resistance. There is alot more resistance in the power cable than the fuse.

id rather run a fuse and b safe then run no fuse and catch stuff on fire

You need a lesson in electronics.

Fuses don't add resistance. There is alot more resistance in the power cable than the fuse.

do i really need a lesson?

what happens at every joint in your power wire?

have you ever competed?

id rather run a fuse and b safe then run no fuse and catch stuff on fire

this is safe. the only possible place it will ground out is through the floor at the back and that will never happen because its held in place with the flare sump hose and now silicone around the edges so it will not vibrate at all.

fuses are not required and i personally dont suggest them at all for competitors

do i really need a lesson?

what happens at every joint in your power wire?

have you ever competed?

this is safe. the only possible place it will ground out is through the floor at the back and that will never happen because its held in place with the flare sump hose and now silicone around the edges so it will not vibrate at all.

fuses are not required and i personally dont suggest them at all for competitors

You are 100% correct.

Fuses have significant resistance. I really dislike amps with power rail fuses for "protection" for that reason. There are good reasons NOT to put fuses in-line with your drivers. You just have to be more careful.


Wagonized, I am sure you get tired of people telling you you're doing things wrong. I'm sorry I questioned you in the other thread, I didn't realize your class' rules required a battery in the stock position.

To anyone reading this, you need a fuse if you are a novice/amateur. You don't, if you're a guy like Wagonized.

You need a lesson in electronics.

Fuses don't add resistance. There is alot more resistance in the power cable than the fuse.

stop posting. for real. people may read this stuff and actually listen to your completely false advice

You are 100% correct.


Wagonized, I am sure you get tired of people telling you you're doing things wrong. I'm sorry I questioned you in the other thread, I didn't realize your class' rules required a battery in the stock position.

To anyone reading this, you need a fuse if you are a novice/amateur. You don't, if you're a guy like Wagonized.

lol well i definitely wouldnt put myself up on a pedastile like that but im an SPL guy and spl guys do stuff a lot differently than your average Joe.

I wish I could run multiple alternators and atleast a few more batteries but for one I wouldnt have space for more batteries and for two its a lot of extra cost. At this point I'm already in this project for a fair chunk of money.

For your average system I'm all for fuses, but once I made the decision to compete I want every tenth of a db I can get because thats what it comes down to at finals. Ive taken all the precautions necessary at this point in my opinion to daily driver this vehicle.

Anywho I picked up my 300 amp alt from excessive amperage today. Got it set up with the adjustable external regulator which should work out very well.

I went to get some copper flat bar from the local metal shop so I could machine those for my terminals and hopefully have everything up and running by the end of the weekend but it closed 3 hours early so I ended up being SOL.


I could see maybe not running fuses if it was a dedicated SPL vehicle like Alma"s Bronco but you state it is a daily driver. accidents happen and the little resistance you encounter is acceptable to burning down your vehicle.

What amps are you running that you need so much amperage. why not just run a couple of 4/0s.


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I could see maybe not running fuses if it was a dedicated SPL vehicle like Alma"s Bronco but you state it is a daily driver. accidents happen and the little resistance you encounter is acceptable to burning down your vehicle.

What amps are you running that you need so much amperage. why not just run a couple of 4/0s.


Wagonized's sig said:
4 memphis mojo 4kw amps

As for why he didn't run just a few runs of 4/0s, I'm going to assume that, as previously stated, he's an SPL guy competitor, and they do things a tad differently.

Basically, it comes down to the fact that a run or two of 4/0 would have to be sent to a distro block and you lose power there, you get the picture.
