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Pete Show Truck

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Maggini's show truck #13 owned by Jeff Maggini, this truck has won more trophy’s than I can count!

Dang man...those are sweet.

Question- on the black pete, why is the frame behind the cab so long? Was it extended? Why? Wouldn't that make difficult turns and tight spots?

Working on my CDL, have driven a few trucks, never a tractor that long.

Question- on the black pete, why is the frame behind the cab so long? Was it extended? Why? Wouldn't that make difficult turns and tight spots?

Working on my CDL, have driven a few trucks, never a tractor that long.

Dad likes the long low look, and he was originaly going to haul an end dump. Yes it is very hard to turn in tight spots.

Ive recently worked on a frame stretch, flush mount bumpers, and a set of 8" stacks for the same model pete a local guy has. It takes alot of time to get a truck to that point, job well done. The one I as working on looks identical except its 2 tone black silver with silver on the bottom.

The matching trailer is what always sets trucks off :thumbsup:

Tim Silva's, Sledge Hammer, a 77 pete turned show truck! This guy did all the body work on my dads truck.

So when you getting one?

ooo, a KW in a family of petes. I cant imagine that would sit well. :p:

More pics of dads truck, before the repaint and changes. There's not a whole lot of difference but its there.

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if he dosent already have one, I make polished or brushed stainless steel coolant tubes. Look for an ad for BH TUBES in Overdrive or some other major truck mags, the polished ones are pimp. :D

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