31s on stock rims? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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31s on stock rims?

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Yea, lot's of people have done it. The only con I can think of is that I don't particularly like the way they look, but if you are okay with it, go ahead. There are some pics of it done on here, you'll have to search around, but there's a few there. There is another problem of the rims have more backspacing than you may want for wider tires, which is one reason most people get different rims, just so they can get less backspacing, and bump the tire out more to allow for more clearance. The obvious pro of this is that it is much cheaper.

Yup, I got my 31" BFG Baja Claws on stock 96 rims and think they look good.

If you got to a tire shop with 16" rims just ask for 265/75/r16

I've got em (toyo open country)

so stock rims wont cause center of balance problems due to them being skinny

so stock rims wont cause center of balance problems due to them being skinny

No. I run 33 x 12.5's on my stock rims with no problems whatsoever. Take a look around the site and you'll find plenty of vehicles running 31's and larger on stock rims.

No. I run 33 x 12.5's on my stock rims with no problems whatsoever. Take a look around the site and you'll find plenty of vehicles running 31's and larger on stock rims.

How wide are those rims? I thought I read that the widest tire that would fit on 7" wide rims were 10.5 or you would see excessive wear in the middle of the tread.

I was wanting to get some 31x10.50" tires on my stock teardrop rims, but if I could go slightly wider I'd consider it.

Here is 31's on my stock 15x7 rims, never had problems with them;)


I've got 31's on mine...



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What kind of tires are those? They look awesome! Are the an exclusive overseas?

Hey Aleej., I've got a set of stock '97 alum. teardrop rims (15x7) with 31x10.50 Khumo AT's on them for sale. I've had them on my truck for approx. 12,000 miles with absolutely no problems, and I think they look really good. I am selling because I'm lifting and going bigger on the wheels and tires. I will take $400.00 bucks for them if interested PM me. Thanks, JW

thanks guys.... i dont know if ill still use my stock rims.. i was thinking of getting some cheap rock crawling rims.. with diffrent back spacing but im still not sure yet... got a lot of things im playing with in my head

If I get my 95 tonight like we're suppose to I'll try and get my 31's on it tomorrow and post a pic.

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