Front Hitch anyone? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Hitch anyone?


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
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City, State
Mooresville NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 4x4 Explorer XLT

I saw this picture..I know it's a heep, but it's just for illustration purposes. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you have seen explorers with them? Or do they even make front hitch for explorers. Thanks in advance. If not I am just going to go with a Kennesaw Mountain bumper front and rear.

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Ok. I might just get a Ken Mtn bumper since I don't wanna fab anything>

91exploreron37, How do you like your bumper? If you could change anything would you? Can you post some pictures of it in the daytime.

His is $100 and I don't know if it'll fit.
I have officially ruled out the hitch. It's gonna cost at least $100. I can get a bumper and have protection and multiple towing points.

Thanks for the help. I did find a hitch for my dads rodeo though, so that's a plus.

91exploreron37, How do you like your bumper? If you could change anything would you? Can you post some pictures of it in the daytime.

I love my bumper. And I like the way the sides are angled up unlike the one they have pictured on their site. I ordered it for a 3in bodylift and it fit perfectly just had to drill my own holes in the bumper to mount it on the frame but the winch mount holes were already drilled. I'll have to get some pics tomorow morning. I've also mounted a smittybilt 8k winch on it since then.
Umm when I first got it I wished I had of ordered it with a grill/light guard but oh well and plus I'm not sure how it would look. Also mine is just the winch bumper with shackle mounts and a light bar. I opted for shackle mounts just because I dont like the looks of d-rings but thats a personal opinion.

I love my bumper. And I like the way the sides are angled up unlike the one they have pictured on their site. I ordered it for a 3in bodylift and it fit perfectly just had to drill my own holes in the bumper to mount it on the frame but the winch mount holes were already drilled. I'll have to get some pics tomorow morning. I've also mounted a smittybilt 8k winch on it since then.
Umm when I first got it I wished I had of ordered it with a grill/light guard but oh well and plus I'm not sure how it would look. Also mine is just the winch bumper with shackle mounts and a light bar. I opted for shackle mounts just because I dont like the looks of d-rings but thats a personal opinion.

No joke. The one they have on their site looks quite retro!!! They really need to update. I talked to the guy there and he said that if you'll take some pictures in the daylight, he will post your truck up on their site! You should so do that! I would.:D That's good to hear you actually using the wincher for a...winch.;)
So if you don't mind me asking, how much was yours total?

Yea lol Limited Ex bought that model like 6 years ago.
Yea I'll defintely send in some pics it'll be cool to have a pic of my truck on their site.:D
I really havent had a chance to seriously use the winch yet when I first got it I pulled my truck up the driveway lol just to test it out and recently I pulled my buddies wrecked XJ out of its spot at the wrecking yard so we could tow it home. I have however used the shackle mounts to free a few stuck vehicles.
It was $650 shipped which was $500 for the bumper and $150 shipped to a terminal(not my house because it was like twice as much to ship to a residence) But your not too far from them are you? If not you can save yourself the shipping charges and pick it up. You can also have them install it onto the truck for you.
Man why do my post seem to keep getting longer.:scratch:

91exploreron37, How do you like your bumper? If you could change anything would you? Can you post some pictures of it in the daytime.

Well its raining right now so I'll try and get a better one tomorow if the weather permits.
Oh yea and one with the HID's:D


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Looks good with the HID's! Darn rain messes with the detail. Sweet though.

Where did you get your diamonds at? Cheapest I can find is $257!

I have one on my, though it's a 2nd gen. I think you can just buy them for 1st gen x's



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