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what kind of wax?

hey i am looking for some recommendations for some good wax to go with. it feels like they waxed it at the dealership before i picked it up. but i'm wanting to keep it waxed and looking good for years to come. so any recommendations ? thanks in advanced.

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Used to use Zaino; now use Jeff's Werkstatt.

Either are top quality sealants.

I can't tell you how many different things ive tried like that and wasnt impressed with the results. I can't say anything about that particular item above because I havnt used it but out of all the wax's, and polishes I have used Nothing shines like Mothers Carnauba Wax. I use the clay bar every summer and use mothers wax seasonally (every 3 months)

alright thanks. you guys apply by hand or use orbital like a porter cable?

by hand is the best way to do it. It takes a lot more time but it's worth it.

Hand wax; random orbital polish (since you want to cut/perfect). ALWAYS use microfiber towels.

Zaino and here is why...



Zaino treated ....


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Both synthetic sealants. But, the shine isn't in the sealant. It's in the preparation: proper claying, washing, cutting and finishing polishing, then sealant. Slap Werkstatt, Zaino, Mothers, Meggie's, whatever on a swirled and marred finish and look at it in the sun or with shop lights. There's a world of difference that only preparation can fix.

wow very nice. what zaino do you use? or would you recommend?

Zaino has changed some of their product line so there might be better. Check with them.
My usual MO is wash with dawn, clay bar, wash with dawn, dry througly.
two coats of Z5 and then three coats of Z2. Body, plastic and rims.
I do one of each on all the jambs.
Takes about five to six hours start to finish. That includes a lunch break of some sorts wile the vehicle dryes.

Most important is to clay bar first. I use both Zaino and Meguiars products. Mothers is good stuff too...

alright cool. any one ever try poorboys products?

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