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Lifting a '95-01 IFS Article

I would be more interrested in buying the front lift from RCD in that case. Loose the tortion bars!

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I was able to buy just the front lift. The front and back are separate product numbers so just ask the dealer when you go to buy it.

Verify with Superlift that it is all you'll need. I believe the front kit comes as two packages, and you cant get the complete front kit without shocks.

Hi I have a 95 explorer sport 4x4 and I was looking for this lift and I can't find it anywhere. Please help me cause I'd really like to lift my truck

Im sure this has been answered 100 times already but would this work with 1995 model. Superlift had this listed as 96+ only. If I remember correctly it had something to do with the torsion connectors not being welded on in 1996? Recently cranked torison bars as far as they could go (about 2"), truck rides a little rougher but with Pro Comp ES9000 shocks very happy with it. Would like to get another inch out of the front though and uncrank the torsions a bit. Running 33x12.50x15 and not much clearance. Running 2" body lift with Warrior Shackles and ARB EMU Dakar leaf spring pack in the rear-plenty of clearance there. Currently truck has a slight raked stance.

i hope this question isn't too dumb, but i've never put a lift kit on anything, so hear it goes: do i need to put my X on a lift (2 post, 4 post whatever) to install either of these kits?

Not a dumb question at all. You can do a lift with a decent jack and jack stands, you do not need a lift but it does make life easier

Ok, so have any of you guys with the 4" Superlift for the 2nd Gen Explorers replaced the shocks that came with the kit?

What are the specs for getting replacement shocks from Rancho or Bilstein? Thanks.

Oh, and Pop Quiz!

What's wrong with this picture? Not what is missing, but what's wrong with the parts in this picture.


its missing shocks ? and u cant use the rear shackels?

its missing shocks ? and u cant use the rear shackels?
True it is missing the shocks and doesn't include the rear parts. But in that picture there is 2 extra parts.

True it is missing the shocks and doesn't include the rear parts. But in that picture there is 2 extra parts.

the shackles? as jeremyc653 also stated

the shackles? as jeremyc653 also stated
I really didn't mean what is missing in the picture, but what is wrong with the parts in that picture?

Anyways, I guess no one has replaced the crappy Superlift shocks with another brand?

john you suck i hate that u got that superlift at such a good deal 10in of lift is f***ing crazy

Yea thats true, need the 9637 and 9633.

Why do you need two kits? I thought the 9633 kit, which is $1000, would have just the front end stuff?

john you suck i hate that u got that superlift at such a good deal 10in of lift is f***ing crazy
Usually I am not that lucky. But even the sun smiles on a dog's ass somedays.

But, I do need to get these shocks replaced soon. It gets crazy going down the freeway sometimes(no anti-sway bars).

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