My new stitches thread...graphic! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My new stitches thread...graphic!

My work truck broke down today, so the mechanic came out to fix it. He called me over and asked me to "hold this" a 2-1/2 inch wrench while he proceeded to tightened down a large nut with a 40" pipe wrench. He put all of his weight into it and it started to lift me off the ground. Thats when he slipped off the nut, pivoting my wrench full force into my forehead...I earned 9 stitches and a headache.


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...Props for the pic but you couldn't have center the blow any better..:biggthump

..Take it easy for a few weeks as a blow like that to the head could have lifetime affects..:(

Would you like a hello kitty bandaid for that?

side note: was working at a pediatrician office doing a tv install in the waiting room and managed to cut my finger open on a sharp edge.. Asked the nurse for a bandaid and she gives me a hello kitty bandaid.. Had to tell her the story about me and pink.. She just enjoyed that too much.. She recommended wrapping my hand in a pink bandage.. needless to say I said no way in hell.

Damn dude, that just plain sucks.

Keep it moist with vaseline or something to keep it from scarring up.

My split forehead is healing fast!! I've been using Bacitracin Antibiotic Ointment, keeping it covered with a couple of band aids. I decided to take my own stitches out today to minimize train track scarring. Not too bad for day 3 :)

Damn dude, that just plain sucks.
Keep it moist with vaseline or something to keep it from scarring up.

I'm going to switch to vaseline after one week. Thanks


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Is that a Care Bears pillowcase? WTF?!?


Doc did a nice job, should not be too noticeable if it looks that good after 3 days.


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Scar update pic...I used Scaraway Diminishing Serum and Scaraway Silicone Scar Sheets.


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..Wow...That did a real good job of making that disappear..:eek:

I didn't want a conversation scar down the middle of my forehead, so I couldn't be happier with the results!!
I used the scar sheet at home and while sleeping for the first month. I used the serum with 30 spf over the top when going out.
This works on old scars too, but i'm sure not to this degree.

When I was 11 and playing Baseball, I got hit smack dab between the eyes with a baseball and had to get 16 stitches...

My twin brother had a good time making fun of me because after the stitches were out and it was still swollen, he called me "butt crack head."

Oh my god Butt crack head just made my day, hahaha.
