US Dealer willing to sell ESP to a Canadian!!!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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US Dealer willing to sell ESP to a Canadian!!!!

I have 3 dealers that will sell to me. None of them are as cheap as Ziegler or other online offers. It is however saving me around 1500 dollars. Isn't it Wonderful.

Capt A, can you share the names of these dealers?

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Why most certainly. Darling Ford in Bangor. Troy Ford in Ohio and the other one is in Pensylvania. There are lots of dealers that will sell them. It's the same thing as buying a Ford vehicle really. The border states are more reluctant to sell. The further south you go the easier it is. The name is Capt A HOLE by the way,,,,, Isn't that right Capt O.

Confirmed. A Canuck can buy in the US. This is from Ford Canada. You can even use your Canadian. Address. The only stipulation is that they need to see miles instead of kms. And the internet thing for some strange reason. I am going to Bangor to buy mine next Saturday.

Confirmed. A Canuck can buy in the US. This is from Ford Canada. You can even use your Canadian. Address. The only stipulation is that they need to see miles instead of kms. And the internet thing for some strange reason. I am going to Bangor to buy mine next Saturday.

I think the internet thing is only because you have to be in a US jurisdiction to enter into a contract, otherwise you get an issue of contractual jurisdiction.

Have a good trip - certainly pays for itself! :)

Well, I just purchased a ESP from the States. When the dealer tried to put my VIN # in it came up with an error. It read Canadian Vehicle. Check mileage. To convert mileage press F9. When he pressed F9 nothing happened and it wouldn't let him get a quote. He tried to call the hotline but it was closed. He said he would send it through on Monday and it would be added to the system by Wednesday at the latest. The cost difference buying it in the states was over $2000 in savings. I'm a little worried though. He said we could get a full refund if the system won't take it. My dealer here in Canada has stated they would honor any official Ford ESP. I have also seen on here where it was confirmed that we could do it. I also seen on other sites that dealers sell to Canadians all the time. His system would let him input a Canadian Address and Postal Code.

Cory or Rebecca, Can you confirm that we can buy ESP's in the States? I spoke with a rep on the phone and they stated you can buy one from any dealer in North America and it would be honoured. They said I couldn't buy over the internet though. Would have saved me another 500 if I could have.

Side Note:
He said he wasn't the one who entered it into the system. The sytem he was using was just to get a quote. He said he sends it over to the office and they enter it into the system there. I'll update everyone by Wednesday to let you know if it works or not. I'm going to call the dealer here and see if it shows up.

Personally I couldn't be bothered shopping around. I got mine from the dealer, 48 month premium leasecare, 0 deductible and daily rental for $1175. Since I'm sure the dealer makes some $$ on the deal, I'm hoping that they will help out in any questionable situation should one arise.


Well that's OK if you're leasing. I intend on keeping mine for awhile. As far as I can see we are getting the shaft here. Almost 2200 cheaper just across the border. Big dif. Thanks though.
I may buy mine at the end of the 4 year lease, depending upon what may be available at that time. The problem is that if I want to extend the ESP, it apparently has to be done before the original 3 year warranty is up. As you can see, that puts me in a bit of a bind. I'll speak with the dealer the next time I'm in and see what if anything we can work out.
BTW, I've had mine almost 15 months and only have just over 9300kms (5800mi) on it. That is one reason I'm thinking of buying it.
Just curious as to what you were quoted here in Canada and for what coverage.


7 year 200k km for 4200.00 Outrageous if you ask me. I just got the same in the states for 2k.
That IS quite a difference. I just looked at the Premium Care and what it covers and what it doesn't cover. There is quite a long list of what it doesn't seem to cover including some of the electronics that I was hoping were covered. I'm now wondering if it is really worth it. Definitely not for what you were quoted. Like I mentioned before, it is something I want to discuss with the dealer first.
Lease care covers me for 48 months, if I get the Premium Care it also will go back to the first day meaning that I'm paying twice for the 4th year. That is another concern.


...Cory or Rebecca, Can you confirm that we can buy ESP's in the States?...I'll update everyone by Wednesday to let you know if it works or not...
...The problem is that if I want to extend the ESP, it apparently has to be done before the original 3 year warranty is up...
That’s correct, guys. You can as long as you have factory warranty.

Please keep us in the loop, Dalep.


Pretty sure it covers most of the electronics. Wear and maintenance items aside

These are the only components not covered by Ford ESP's PremiumCare

MECHANICAL -- Service adjustments/cleaning; battery/cables; belts, hoses, brakes (front hub, drums, shoes, linings, disc rotors and pads); coolant; exhaust system (including catalytic converter); lights (bulbs, sealed beam and lenses); filters, fluids, lubricants; manual clutch disc; shock absorbers; sparkplugs/wires; squeaks and rattles; tires; tune-ups; wheel balancing; wheel alignment; wheel studs; wiper blades.

EXTERIOR -- Service adjustments (glass and body parts); bright-metal, bumpers, door handles, glass, moldings, ornamentation, paint, rust, sheet metal; sideview mirrors (glass/housing); water leaks; weatherstrip; wheel covers/ornaments; wind noise.

INTERIOR -- Buttons, carpet, dash pad, door and window handles, knobs; rearview mirror (glass/housing); trim, upholstery.
Yes, you are correct. I pulled it up again and made the view smaller. It looks like the "What's Not Covered" page was not in order making it seem that the electrical items were not covered. Thanks.


...It looks like the "What's Not Covered" page was not in order making it seem that the electrical items were not covered. Thanks...
I’m glad you got that sorted out, Peter. :)

You are confirming Canadians can buy ESP's from American Dealers?

Yes, here’s an update on buying ESPs:

1. Canadian contracts are still sold at the dealer; internet sales are not in place yet. I don’t have an ETA on when that will be available.
2. If a contract is purchased from a US Ford dealer, you still will have to visit the dealer. The cluster must be changed to read in miles vs. kilometers because US contracts are in miles.

You can find more information on ESPs on the Ford of Canada site:


I’m glad you got that sorted out, Peter. :)


Yes, here’s an update on buying ESPs:

1. Canadian contracts are still sold at the dealer; internet sales are not in place yet. I don’t have an ETA on when that will be available.
2. If a contract is purchased from a US Ford dealer, you still will have to visit the dealer. The cluster must be changed to read in miles vs. kilometers because US contracts are in miles.

You can find more information on ESPs on the Ford of Canada site:

Okay, so anyone that bought an ESP policy in the U.S. has to have their instrumentation change. That should be interesting since the regular warranty on Canadian vehicles is calculated in kilometers. I wonder if changing the cluster would then void the 3 year, 60,000 km warranty?

In your #2 above it states you will have to visit the dealer. Does that mean you have to show up at an American dealer to purchase the ESP but can then have the Explorer serviced in Canada or does it have to be an American dealer?

There have been posts on this Forum that Canadians bought the ESP from a U.S. dealer and it was all done by phone/mail. I wonder if these are now valid since I'm sure the cluster wasn't changed. I don't know why it really necessary to change it since you have the ability to do kilometers to miles change via the MFT.

This almost seems more trouble than it is worth. I received a price of $1370 for a 6 year 80K Premiumcare policy from a Canadian dealer. It is the mileage that puts the cost up. It's $1495 for a 7 year, 80K. Both with $100 deductable. This suits me just fine since I only put on about 8,000 km /yr.


I think you are getting confused with the instrument cluster change.

This is not physically replacing the cluster. What Cory means is when you bring it to the dealer they change your KM reading over to a mileage reading.This is done by going to the vehicle settings and changing the distance units to miles rather than Km. There is no way that it can void a warranty. I took mine to the dealer, switched the readout to miles and went in and signed the contract. When you have warranty work done the dealer that is doing the work calls the 1 800 number and gets approval for the work to be performed. You don't have to bring it to the dealer that sold you the ESP. It says they recommend that you do it, not you "SHALL" do it.

Yes you have to take it to the dealership for them to see it. Maybe some don't need to see it and just want to make a sale. Legally they are supposed to see the readout. However, I'm not sure how an internet sale would work. They must just take it on face value.
I hope that is the way they do it. I took it to mean physically changing the cluster which I couldn't understand because the MFT settings will allow you do the switch yourself.
I spoke with a Canadian dealer that sells over the Internet and she was of the opinion that U.S. dealers can not sell to Canadians. She was going to get clarrification on that when I told her that it is happening. Still waiting to hear back on that and some questions I had about getting another ESP on my Ex.


Pretty sure it covers most of the electronics. Wear and maintenance items aside

These are the only components not covered by Ford ESP's PremiumCare

MECHANICAL -- Service adjustments/cleaning; battery/cables; belts, hoses, brakes (front hub, drums, shoes, linings, disc rotors and pads); coolant; exhaust system (including catalytic converter); lights (bulbs, sealed beam and lenses); filters, fluids, lubricants; manual clutch disc; shock absorbers; sparkplugs/wires; squeaks and rattles; tires; tune-ups; wheel balancing; wheel alignment; wheel studs; wiper blades.

EXTERIOR -- Service adjustments (glass and body parts); bright-metal, bumpers, door handles, glass, moldings, ornamentation, paint, rust, sheet metal; sideview mirrors (glass/housing); water leaks; weatherstrip; wheel covers/ornaments; wind noise.

INTERIOR -- Buttons, carpet, dash pad, door and window handles, knobs; rearview mirror (glass/housing); trim, upholstery.

I'm screwed, so much for an ESP. Hmmmm, doesn't say anything about oozing foam! :) I might be ok after all:eek:

I'm screwed, so much for an ESP. Hmmmm, doesn't say anything about oozing foam! :) I might be ok after all:eek:
How about mice?;)


There's only one dealer who sells to Canadians over th internet Barrie Ford. Of course she is going to say they can't sell to Canadians. She's crapping her pants. They are a local dealer out of Ontario. Therefore they have no idea if we can buy in the states. Guaranteed she'll come back with "No, they can't sell ESP's to Canadians. You'll have to buy from us." Maybe if enough people do it, they'll stop ripping us off. I have spoken with Ford Reps from Canada and the US. The answers have all been a resounding YES. My dealer told me today that there are a handful of customers that do it all the time. How can they say no when the pamphlet says it will be honoured at all Ford dealers in North America. It also says so right in the CONTRACT. The pamphlet I had in my hands said... and I quote>>>> ESP's can be purchased at any Ford Dealer in North America. ( Believe me... I did my homework on this one.....) . The contract even has a spot that says State/Province and Zip/Postal Code. There is no law saying you can't buy goods in the U.S. The only thing that Ford frowns upon is selling vehicles NEW to us. This is along the boarder states. In Maine I can't buy a new truck. I can however buy a used one, like a lease return. They had some down there,,,,2012's with less then 8000 miles on them. Repos are good to go as well. There is always a way to get around them. If I go as far south as Florida. Well, they'll sell me anything on the lot. Most of them 15 Grand cheaper than here in Canada. a 125 dollar plane ride out of Portland Maine and 3 days drive back plus food. Taxes at the boarder EQUALS money in the bank. A lot of money in the bank.
Yes, that is who I spoke with. I don't know how their price for what I'm after stacks up against my dealer. I haven't talked to them yet. I don't blame owners from here buying across the border when you compare the numbers you were given. I have a couple of situations that I have to get answers on before I can decide what avenue I want to take.


...What Cory means is when you bring it to the dealer they change your KM reading over to a mileage reading...
...Still waiting to hear back on that and some questions I had about getting another ESP on my Ex...
Dalep & Peter,

Thanks for offering those details. I’m waiting to hear back on this.


How can they say no when the pamphlet says it will be honoured at all Ford dealers in North America. It also says so right in the CONTRACT. The pamphlet I had in my hands said... and I quote>>>> ESP's can be purchased at any Ford Dealer in North America.

Canada is part of North America?:D

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Yes it is. It's also one of the best places to live on earth. It has the smartest people in North America and the best looking women. There is also alot of funny ass people in Canada as well.

Mexico is also part of North America. Studies have shown that the further south you go from Canada the lower the IQ. Just Kidding.........:salute:
Trying to start a confict? Am I going to have to lock my door at night now?;)
I'm taking my Ex in for an alignment next Wed. and I'll see what kind of answers I get to the questions I have about my situation and ESP's.

