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2016 Explorer Order Guide

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Platinum Sticker Shock

I was just at the dealership to get the Winter tires swapped out. While waiting I mentioned to my salesman that would be interested in the Platinum model when my current 3 year lease is up. He built one for me with the second row buckets and console but no DVD players. Price came to $61,400!! :eek:
I doubt the new MKX would come in that high.
I'm going to have to mow a lot of lawns and shovel a lot of driveways over the next 2 years to earn some extra $$.;)


I was just at the dealership to get the Winter tires swapped out. While waiting I mentioned to my salesman that would be interested in the Platinum model when my current 3 year lease is up. He built one for me with the second row buckets and console but no DVD players. Price came to $61,400!! :eek:
I doubt the new MKX would come in that high.
I'm going to have to mow a lot of lawns and shovel a lot of driveways over the next 2 years to earn some extra $$.;)


Yeah but that's Canadian. That's like 25K US. :)

:D:thumbsup: The same build on the U.S. site was just short of $54K. We've always taken a beating in that sense.


Just an interesting thought-exercise...I'm assuming the 2016 is mostly a facelift change and not so much a complete redesign..

...if that's the case..I'm curious how many 2016 goodies may be compatible with our 2015s and lower...

:D:thumbsup: The same build on the U.S. site was just short of $54K. We've always taken a beating in that sense.


Depends on what the Exchange rate was/is - that $61,400 CND is about $48,700USD With the current exchange rate. A year ago it would have been about $57,000USD, also remember there is a high HST in Canada.

I don't think our vehicle prices have ever been on par with the U.S. Even when our dollar was worth more, the prices here were still quite a bit higher, even before adding the 13% tax here in Ontario. Since I lease, I only pay tax on the monthly payment and not on the full price which helps to keep the cost down.
I was just told by Ford that the ability to 'Build & Price' a 2016 Explorer on the Canadian site won't be available until May 26th.


I don't think our vehicle prices have ever been on par with the U.S. Even when our dollar was worth more, the prices here were still quite a bit higher, even before adding the 13% tax here in Ontario. Since I lease, I only pay tax on the monthly payment and not on the full price which helps to keep the cost down.
I was just told by Ford that the ability to 'Build & Price' a 2016 Explorer on the Canadian site won't be available until May 26th.


You're correct, when your dollar was at par or a worth a bit more, Canadians were coming to the States to buy cars including my friend who thought it was much harder. I was crossing the boarder and when I said I was coming over to help my friend buy a car the Canadian boarder patrol agent was like why is he buying it here, he should go to the states its so much cheaper. Chatted with him for a min, he handed me the paperwork my friend would need to get it into Canada when he found a car in the states he wanted to bring back. He went to the Dealer had them enable the DRL's sent the paperwork off that it meet the Canadian requirements and he was done he saved about $5000 doing it.

I was just at the dealership to get the Winter tires swapped out. While waiting I mentioned to my salesman that would be interested in the Platinum model when my current 3 year lease is up. He built one for me with the second row buckets and console but no DVD players. Price came to $61,400!! :eek:
I doubt the new MKX would come in that high.
I'm going to have to mow a lot of lawns and shovel a lot of driveways over the next 2 years to earn some extra $$.;)


Peter, depending on how you equip it, I believe a Canadian MKX will come in much higher than that...

The salesman didn't think the new MKX would be as high as the Platinum. I did a 'Build & Price' on a 2015 MKX with the features I want and it came to $52,690. Not sure how much of a price 'bump' the 2016 add. In any case my current lease runs to April 1, 2017 so I will have options at that time.


Remember that only the low beams are LED. The high beams are Halogen Reflectors. I also believe that Riley mentioned SYNC3 would be in the 2016 Explorer. I don't believe any official announcement has yet been made as to which 2016 Ford models will have SYNC3.


There are pictures of the Focus RS on the Ford website showing Sync 3 on the screen. I think this is the first model I've actually seen that.

The salesman didn't think the new MKX would be as high as the Platinum. I did a 'Build & Price' on a 2015 MKX with the features I want and it came to $52,690. Not sure how much of a price 'bump' the 2016 add. In any case my current lease runs to April 1, 2017 so I will have options at that time.


The build and price is out for the MKX. I've never seen a model with so many boxes to tick. You can easily go above $60K and still not choose all options. Then, there is Black Label on top of that.

The build and price is out for the MKX. I've never seen a model with so many boxes to tick. You can easily go above $60K and still not choose all options. Then, there is Black Label on top of that.
Thanks for the heads up. The one I built came to $61,745 which means that up here it will likely be around $67 - $68k. I think the Platinum at around $61k (CDN) is looking better now.;)


Ford Rep came by today with a 2016 so I snapped some photos, I'm Liking it!



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