Ford offers free repairs to 1.4 Million Explorers - Exhaust | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford offers free repairs to 1.4 Million Explorers - Exhaust


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST
Announced today

Ford Motor Co said on Friday it will offer free repairs to North American owners of more than 1.4 million Explorer sport utility vehicles to help ensure that carbon monoxide and other exhaust gases cannot get into the vehicles.[\QUOTE]

The second largest U.S. automaker said starting November 1, dealers will reprogram the air conditioner, replace the liftgate drain valves and inspect sealing of the rear of the vehicle. The fix covers about 1.3 million U.S. vehicles and about 100,000 in Canada and Mexico.

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Good news. While I haven't experienced it, I'm due for an oil change so I'll see what they'll do there. I have smelled fumes in my car on a couple occasions, but I've always assumed it was some beater car in front of me.

This is basically TSB-0044 in a press release, without a warranty limitation.

I had it done. We even threw on the new air extractors. We got the new HVAC program. Not sure about these drain valves(?) No luck.

Anyway, I got hold of the "awareness communication" in OASIS. For retail customers, this is getting tagged under 17N03.

All Explorers are eligible, regardless of mileage (Job 1 2011 through Job Last 2017)

Ford is aware that some 2011 - 2017 Explorer owners have concerns about exhaust or carbon monoxide. These vehicles are safe. Our investigation has not found carbon monoxide levels that exceed what people are exposed to every day. However, for our customers’ peace of mind, Ford is offering a complimentary service that reduces the potential for exhaust to enter the vehicle. Customers can take their vehicles, regardless of mileage or warranty status,, to a Ford dealer to have this service performed, starting November 1, 2017 through December 31, 2018. To be clear, carbon monoxide concerns in Police Interceptor Utilities are related to unsealed holes from the installation of police equipment by third parties after the vehicle was purchased. This program is expected to include reprogramming the climate control module, inspection of rear-of vehicle sealing , and repairing vehicle sealing as necessary. It is anticipated that the complete bulletin will be provided to dealers by the end of October 2017, once parts and software are available. This service will be performed free of charge at the request of the customer.

A more complete bulletin will be published by end of month, according to the statement. They are also re-launching the Police Interceptor hotline as one for retail channel as well.

Good news, I'l be sure to get mine to the dealer once the program gets started.


What shall I do in Germany ? No chance to get some help from Ford Germany...

On 17N03, the bulletin is addressed to US dealers but there's nothing in the text of the message to reinforce that it's only for NA or US only dealers to execute.

The telling item will be when the VINs are flagged in OASIS as eligible for the program. You may still qualify, don't fret. :)

I called a Ford dealer service department and I was told they are not covering it or something. Is it not happening yet?

The bulletin only came out yesterday. I bet most haven't even opened it yet, and keep in mind, the program isn't active at this particular moment.

Even running my own VIN it's not showing as an active field service action yet.

It starts in November.

I read TSB-044 and it is mostly filled with verifying and sealing holes/gaps, if they exist. What I’m curious about is why the TSB only applies to the NA 3.5? Is it the consensus here that it is only this engine with the exhaust odor?

Here is the official Ford Media Center news article about this subject:

Just a thought, maybe the Mod's can setup a permanent link to this Ford news website and place it somewhere on this Forum so we wouldn't have to rely on our members to find this type info.
I know, there is a lot of Ford news that doesn't pertain to Explorers but it will still have the latest 'official' Ford news.

I called a Ford dealer service department and I was told they are not covering it or something. Is it not happening yet?
Starts November 1st.

they kinda had to do something like this instead of verifying every complaint and only applying it to certain vehicles and annoying people, then it was all over the news. Next step is buy back if they still cant get the levels down:fart::whitenavajo:.

Is it me or does every generation of Exploder have some sort of major flaw related to it.:dunno:. Best one I've ever had was my 5.0 Exploder for ease of repair and reliability.

I'm actually debating as to whether or not to have this "free repair" done on mine since I've never experienced the "exhaust" issue.


^ Peter, I strongly recommend not as they'll be taking apart a lot of the car to seal where a problem does not exist.

^ I agree. I'm going to get a CO meter just to verify but I don't smell any exhaust fumes (I know co is odorless)

That's one of my main concern guys. Thanks for your input.


^ I agree. I'm going to get a CO meter just to verify but I don't smell any exhaust fumes (I know co is odorless)

Can you share what you pick up? I got a passive one, but I really want to get something that gives me readings. Yesterday I had a faint smell but got a headache after about a half hour of the drive... the home ones I know won't react fast enough to the burst readings a car is likely to experience.

Not sure how big of a problem this really is, but no one I know that works at a Ford dealer has had any Exploder in for an exhaust smell or leaking water pump yet :confused2:. Exploding transfer cases on older models is almost a weekly thing though. Don't know why there isn't an extended warranty on those, having the drivetrain lock up at high speed is usually dangerous I would think:confused:

I've never had any issues with my 16 Platinum, let alone exhaust issues. I really doubt I take mine in for this, just out of fear something else may get screwed up.

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they kinda had to do something like this instead of verifying every complaint and only applying it to certain vehicles and annoying people, then it was all over the news. Next step is buy back if they still cant get the levels down:fart::whitenavajo:.

Is it me or does every generation of Exploder have some sort of major flaw related to it.:dunno:. Best one I've ever had was my 5.0 Exploder for ease of repair and reliability.
They will never, and I mean NEVER buy a car back from you. This should be a two step thing, for everyone who insists they don't have a problem and refuse to have it done. This should include a CO monitor that plugs in, and logs data. That way if you have higher levels and don't get it addressed, it's YOUR deal.
