Valve cover replace. Any other things to get done? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Valve cover replace. Any other things to get done?


Elite Explorer
October 7, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Hazel Park
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000, 5.0 Eddie Bauer
I will be replacing my valve cover gaskets as they are leaking. I am also cleaning injectors and replacing all intake gaskets. Is there anything else i should consider while valve covers are off? It's a 4.0 OHV with 140k miles (previous owners let it sit for years. I've replaced almost every seal on it since getting it 3 years ago. I searched the forums but couldn't find much answering this. Thank you all for your time! This site and all of you who contribute is invaluable.

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One mention is if you have a 96, you have a 4.0 OHV and not a SOHC, the SOHC didn't come until 97.

Valve covers have to come off if you're doing lower intake manifold gaskets. Might as well do those while you're at it, if they haven't been done already, especially if you have had even the slightest hint of coolant loss, oil loss, or other non-compression related symptoms similar to head gasket problems. They can get nasty after awhile, especially around the coolant passages at the very front and rear of the cast aluminum LIM / iron block interface.

edit: Well, my reading comprehension leaves more to be desired! Sounds like you are already planning on doing so. Clean out the EGR valve and tube too; I can't remember but I think that must come off anyway when you're doing the other stuff. It's quite possible you'll kink and break the EGR tube, so be prepared to replace.

Valve covers have to come off if you're doing lower intake manifold gaskets. Might as well do those while you're at it, if they haven't been done already, especially if you have had even the slightest hint of coolant loss, oil loss, or other non-compression related symptoms similar to head gasket problems. They can get nasty after awhile, especially around the coolant passages at the very front and rear of the cast aluminum LIM / iron block interface.

edit: Well, my reading comprehension leaves more to be desired! Sounds like you are already planning on doing so. Clean out the EGR valve and tube too; I can't remember but I think that must come off anyway when you're doing the other stuff. It's quite possible you'll kink and break the EGR tube, so be prepared to replace.

Thanks for the reply!

I just got the intake and fuel rail off. Man is it dirty. Burnt walnuts were stored under there by some rodent. Haha. I have had the intake off before and ruined the egr tube (already had holes in it) I found the only good tube from a junkyard so I will definitely baby this one while getting it off.

Do you have any tips for cleaning the EGR valve? Not sure if I'll damage it using carb cleaner etc.

Ah, yes I remember finding acorns buried all in there. I've used carb cleaner sprayed into the EGR valve inlet/outlet (but not in the vacuum line hole for the diaphragm) once the gasket was off, and it seemed to work fine.

Ah, yes I remember finding acorns buried all in there. I've used carb cleaner sprayed into the EGR valve inlet/outlet (but not in the vacuum line hole for the diaphragm) once the gasket was off, and it seemed to work fine.

I'll give that a try this weekend, thanks again!!

Gasket replacement went well. Tied back all wires, cleaned it very well and torqued it to specs. Didn't touch valves but visually looked okay. Very clean. All fuel injectors were cleaned and tested.

If anyone is following, should I test torque on the cover bolts in a few days? Or maybe after a few hundred miles of driving?



If you new valve cover gaskets are something other than cork they should be okay, but a re-torque during your next oil change couldn't hurt. Most important thing is to not over-tighten the bolts.

If you new valve cover gaskets are something other than cork they should be okay, but a re-torque during your next oil change couldn't hurt. Most important thing is to not over-tighten the bolts.

Okay cool. They are oem (metal) replacements. Thanks!!

nicely done! I Was going to say make sure to get a new green O ring for the EGR tube to intake hole...they shrink up and stop making up a good seal

nicely done! I Was going to say make sure to get a new green O ring for the EGR tube to intake hole...they shrink up and stop making up a good seal

Thanks! Any idea where to find these? I've looked all over with no luck.

If it’s not back together yet, definitely get the spark plugs while you’re in there.

With all that stuff out of the way, theyre cake to get to them... otherwise most people have to do it through the wheel well.

I also got new high temp hoses for the egr pressure feedback sensor.

If it’s not back together yet, definitely get the spark plugs while you’re in there.

With all that stuff out of the way, theyre cake to get to them... otherwise most people have to do it through the wheel well.

I also got new high temp hoses for the egr pressure feedback sensor.

Good call. Just cleaned them last night while I had the room.

If it's no all back together yet then I'd recommend replacing your pcv valve, a clogged pcv valve will cause oil leaks all day long.

If it's no all back together yet then I'd recommend replacing your pcv valve, a clogged pcv valve will cause oil leaks all day long.

Yup all back together but I replaced that about a year ago. Still pretty clean.
