Locating Body Control Module - Key Code | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Locating Body Control Module - Key Code


February 8, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Kamloops, B.C.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Sport XLT
Hello, I am trying to locate the BCM on a 2002 Ford Explorer Sport. I assume it is under the dash. I have popped off the two rear inside panels, no luck. Looked under dash and behind the glove box. I looked under passenger kick panel. Does anyone know it's exact location? I don't want to rip the entire truck apart to find it. thanks.


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You have to go to the dealer and pull it from the ECM. Our dealer didn't charge us and it takes about 15 mins.

It's on the security module inside the right side panel just behind the rear door way.
I checked there and no module of any kind. Also checked kick panel on passenger side as well.

OK, I might be wrong, but I am pretty sure your 2002 2 door sport is built on the 1998-2001 platform. It's confusing, but now that you know. Most of your questions will have answers in the 1995-2001 sub forum I am moving this to.

Also, the module you are looking for is actually called a Generic Electronic Module, or, GEM

It's located to the left or the radio inside the dash.

Picture of location. Took me a minute, found in the "brown wire mod" thread


Perfect thanks. So that module should have your key code listed on the side of it, correct?

By key code do you mean the code for the keyless entry on the driver's door?

Yeah, I am looking for the I believe the 5 digit key code for the vehicle. So I can reprogram electronic door entry buttons.

5 digit code is under the drivers side rear cargo cover, at least on the 4 doors. There’s zero electronics back there? You can see the module through the jack compartment (4 doors)

Yeah I checked there on mine. No Modules there either. I even checked the passenger side.
Mine is a 2 door Sport model.

I think everyone is referring to this. Pretty sure it is here. @vroomzoomboom can you be of help here please?


thats where she be at. if you pull the cover off where the jack sits, you can JUST see it

There is a lot confusion about the location of the 5 digit key code on the 2002-2003 ford Sport. The key code for the 2002-2003 Sport is located behind the passenger airbag. Often people confuse the Sport location with the Sport Trac which are of course 2 different vehicles. The link below shows exactly what to do to obtain the 5 digit code for a 2002-2003 Ford Sport. I am not sure if this applies to the 2001 Sport since they had a job 1 and a job 2.

Security Keyless Keypad Code Location 2003 Explorer Sport XLT

you can read the code yourself as well with a generic obdii interface and and the free forscan software

you can read the code yourself as well with a generic obdii interface and and the free forscan software

Heh, they added that feature now? Have they added the ability to enable neutral towing (for 4x4's) yet?

Mic98XLT was correct. It was up behind the passenger side airbag. Took 10 mins to pull it out. Thanks.:dpchug:

Sure is nice to not have to use the key or if I lock the key inside it is simple to get in.


Sure is nice to not have to use the key or if I lock the key inside it is simple to get in.

Do you not have any remotes? They're quite cheap and very easy to program.

Do you not have any remotes? They're quite cheap and very easy to program.

Yes. I've bought a bunch of remote fobs off eBay for around $6 a piece, They look just like OE and work just like OE. No issues with them at all. Easy to program.

Heh, they added that feature now? Have they added the ability to enable neutral towing (for 4x4's) yet?
Its there for years, my truck was the guinea pig. I worked with the dev.

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