Failed transmission replaced with a reman unit - 2020 Limited with 2300 miles | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Failed transmission replaced with a reman unit - 2020 Limited with 2300 miles


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October 1, 2019
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Gainesville, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer Limited
Just got my Explorer back today and studied the invoice this evening. I was told I was getting a new transmission but the ticket states replaced with a "reman unit". It burned up because the trans cooler was leaking but not bad enough to leave fluid on the ground or the rear window which kind of surprises me. It went 2300 miles before failing. I think the dealer should have put a new trans in and not a reman. Was this Ford telling them what to do? Should I take it back and demand a new transmission or an extended warranty? Ask for a replacement vehicle? Thoughts?

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What transmission does your explorer have? Is the transmission all new for 2020? How did it fail?
The reman could be good as new. I'd call your service department and get more insight on their definition of a "reman."

Are you sure they replaced it and didnt rebuild it? Ford does not put in used parts for warranty. It is either brand new or rebuilt by the dealer. Either way, Ford designates what is going to happen based on what exactly was wrong internally.

Edit - to clarify, I should have said Ford does not use used parts. But yes, they do rebuild which is no different then a dealer tearing down and replacing failed parts. I'd actually rather have a factory repair then a dealer repair.

A ford reman trans is as good as new IMO, there is not much of a difference
sorry to hear about the troubles with a new explorer....nothing sucks worse then making payments on something that is not right

Probably not what you want to hear, but I would just roll with what they put in. If it's not good, it will probably be evident very quickly. With low mileage on the vehicle, you have a decent amount of time left on waranty to judge whether the replacement trans is good and will last. If it is reman, it means Ford rebuilt a transmission to factory specs, so it is basically brand new.

It could just be parts coding, when I worked in auto repair many years ago we received "re-man" parts that were really brand new as the item was so new there were no parts available to have been re-manufactured yet. It could still be a brand new unit, just labeled re-man since its a replacement item.

SSM-48606 regarding the 2020 Explorer Trans leak concern


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Thanks Phil

On the NHTSA site, I read a hilarious consumer complaint. The original 10R60 in his 2020 Explorer died, so they gave him a loaner 2020 Explorer while they replaced the original. The 10R60 in the loaner died, and when he got his original 2020 Explorer back - the replacement trans died again. I'm not sure if that complaint is still there.

When the 2020's were coming out of Flat Rock, I heard some anecdotal comments about how it looked like a murder scene with the amount of transmission fluid leaking all over the place.

So I've noticed at times, a smell of trans fluid. I also saw a very little bit of smoke rising up out of grille area while idling and parked after a highway run. As a precaution I am bringing it in to check the trans fluid level and a look over for leaks. 500 miles. I'd rather be proactive, than possibly damaging trans via low fluid. Its shifting and running perfect.

So I've noticed at times, a smell of trans fluid. I also saw a very little bit of smoke rising up out of grill area while idling and parked after a highway run. As a precaution I am bringing it in to check the trans fluid level and a look over for leaks. 500 miles. I'd rather be proactive, than possibly damaging trans via low fluid. Its shifting and running perfect.


Have you jacked your Ex up, secured it on jackstands, slid under, and followed the two hard metal lines (especially where any inline connections/joints) from/to the transmission to the radiator?

Inside the radiator is a heat exchanger (cooler) for the transmission.

Essentially there is a "loop" between the two (transmission & radiator).


Have you jacked your Ex up, secured it on jackstands, slid under, and followed the two hard metal lines (especially where any inline connections/joints) from/to the transmission to the radiator?

Inside the radiator is a heat exchanger (cooler) for the transmission.

Essentially there is a "loop" between the two (transmission & radiator).
I have a lift in my garage but I'll let the dealer check it out to cover my butt. From day one I smelled trans fluid.....I know it well from years of working on all kinds of vehicles. I thought it could be the new burning off, but now it's more concerning.


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I have a lift in my garage but I'll let the dealer check it out to cover my butt. From day one I smelled trans fluid.....I know it well from years of working on all kinds of vehicles. I thought it could be the new burning off, but now it's more concerning.


Just sayin - I've noticed a common thread pattern on this forum re: Gen 6 Warranty Service:

A) Hold Explorer for days.

B) Return Explorer and say: "we can't reproduce it" or "they all do that"

In closing - I wish I had a lift in my garage - maybe someday 🤩

Just sayin - I've noticed a common thread pattern on this forum re: Gen 6 Warranty Service: "we can't reproduce it" or "they all do that"

In closing - I wish I had a lift in my garage :bounce:

There were complaints about failed transmission coolers on the 2020s
