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Explorer Express bump stops


Elite Explorer
April 14, 2007
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'00 Ford Explorer LTD AWD
I know they are out of business. Reading through some old threads I remember that they used bump stops (modified somehow) from the older ARC Explorers and modified bump stops from Energy Suspension. Anyone know the specifics on either of these? I have a photo of the ones that they used to sell here.

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That's a very good picture. The front one is the OEM bump stop from the 95-01 Limited's. I didn't need to cut them down for my 98 Mountaineer, so that one is pretty good if you could locate a couple. The rear I've never seen anything just like it. But it may have similarity to something else that ES sells like it. The mounting of the rear stop is a single bolt. So the rear stop is basically a big chunk of urethane.

That's a very good picture. The front one is the OEM bump stop from the 95-01 Limited's. I didn't need to cut them down for my 98 Mountaineer, so that one is pretty good if you could locate a couple. The rear I've never seen anything just like it. But it may have similarity to something else that ES sells like it. The mounting of the rear stop is a single bolt. So the rear stop is basically a big chunk of urethane.
In one of John's (Explorer Express) old post from 2003 or 2004 - he said they were Energy Suspension bump stops that they cut the centers out of. He also mentioned the fronts were stops from a different application. You mentioned in one of my older posts that the fronts were from the older ARC Explorers - different from the ones on my truck??? As of now, I had just cut down the stock ones but was thinking of considering alternative solutions while I had everything apart.

I read someone else say they were just the Limited bump stops, that was about ten years ago. I have looked at my EE front bump stops a few times since then, and they do look just like those of my three Limited's parts. I've considered buying them out of a used Limited, but I have rarely been to a JY since then.

FYI, the ARC suspension system was standard on all 95-98 Limited's, and Eddie Bauer models. It became an option only on all 99-01 models, and was rear only.

Here's the best picture I have of my EE front bump stop, it is rubber and I think it is the Limited part.

EE X-Spec front bump stop.jpg

Found these - they look like them and possibly john just cut the top portion off.

That looks right, and as you said one level taller. I'd like another pair of those, my Mountaineer has over 100k miles on the EE parts. I saved that(the black 9.9109G version) in my wish list. Thank you.

I can measure the rear stop's mounting pad soon. I'll bet it's identical or nearly so.

I can measure the rear stop's mounting pad soon. I'll bet it's identical or nearly so.
Can you take a look at your front stops and compare to the pic I posted from the EE website and help me understand if those are the same or not? Trying to determine what they used for these....

I have looked at them several times over the years. I will have my other 98 Limited apart to do brakes in the next day or two, I'll compare them again.

Cut about 1/2" and almost hit metal. Front is lowered about three inches and only allowed about 1/4" of LCA clearance. Bottomed out HARD on large bumps at any speed. Ended up removing them and have yet to have metal to metal contact. You are welcome to them for the cost of shipping. LMK


Modified F5TZ-3020-A

Nice pic in post #6 Don. Always wanted to see what the EE bump stops looked like. Appears they weren't shortened and only removed some rubber. They were probably aware of the metal 1/2" down and the reason they didn't cut them.

Nice pic Don. Always wanted to see what the EE bump stops looked like. Appears they weren't shortened and only removed rubber from them.
The part F5TZ-3020-A - which vehicle was that originally made for. You said on Don's that it appears they only removed rubber. Can you elaborate so I can understand it better? Thank You

May be correct. F5TZ-3020-A bump stops are for 2001-05 Sport Tracs. May fit other vehicles but have to find a fitment guide. Hard to tell from Don's pic if the centers of the stops have a hole.

I don't think my EE bump stops are cut at all. When I installed them in 2004, I thought all of the parts were made by them except for the shocks(Edelbrock). So after learning they were just an OEM optional part, I'm not sure how they need to be modified for some vehicles. I lowered mine a about 3" early on with the kit etc, and later I played with the height again before getting an alignment. I didn't drive it much with it really low, I was just deciding on what height I liked best for me. My Mercury is a good bit lower than my Explorers, all of those won't take a good alignment with them lowered as much as my Mountaineer. I've bottomed out in the front occasionally, on hard dips or bumps. It's the back which my softer Mercury springs allow it to bottom out too much. Any dip or hard bump, with no load, makes mine hit.

So you need a good combination of spring rates as well as being lowered properly, camber kits etc.

May be correct. 3020-A bump stops are for 2001-05 Sport Tracs. May fit other vehicles but have to find a fitment guide. Hard to tell from Don's pic if the centers of the stops have a hole.

I need to find them and take pics. I'll be back shortly. (IF I find them fast) LOL

I think the EE stops have just the one big hole down the middle for the bolt.

Agree, doesn't look like EE shortened them at all and shaved down the sides to form a point. Like a four sided pyramid shape. Maybe these are what EE started with. Not much meat left on the contact area after cutting 1/2" off. May be better to copy the EE stop and not cut at all. @MuscleJunkie , do you have bump stops now? Pics?

Those look like they are from a really low truck. Mine are a good bit thicker than those, but yes there is steel inside that stops you from cutting them way down.

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