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Fun Hump Day Movies

^-- ecstasy is one hell of a drug.

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This is not loose, as in it is tight


Man vs Goose..:D Eagle, a Fox, and a Cat..:eek:


This is not loose, as in it is tight


Get busy build'in IZ!!! The latest fad in rock crawling... rock HOPPING:D Could you imagine the Gs you would be pulling to launch a rig like that:eek:

I love me some crazy Japanese game shows, but W..T..F..?! :D

I understood one word from that video and it's not even in English... Jalapeno!!!

My wife follows the NBG Eagles, she just showed me the one with the Eagle, Cat and Fox. All I could think of was the old joke "what the hell is this, some kind of joke" LOL.

Tow Truck and a Semi-Trailer- Falls off snow cliff in Norway (100 m high)


Wow its good that tow truck driver wasn't wearing a seat belt. That was quick thinking on his part to jump out.

Wow its good that tow truck driver wasn't wearing a seat belt. That was quick thinking on his part to jump out.

..That was actually the truck driver that was riding passenger according to the news..

..The Tow Truck driver actually took the ride down a few hundred feet and broke several bones but will be alright..:eek:

..While looking for a different restaurant with some variety of choices in the L.A. area, I found this restaurant..:eek:

..Then I found out they were featured in this video..:D

..and then I found this other one of theirs that that restaurant is also included in..:D


..Not as many Togo's as there used to be..

..Quizno's are also disappearing out here but rapidly..:(


...Meet Oscar..:D


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