Discussion for John Rock's/Johnstone's memorial fund | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Discussion for John Rock's/Johnstone's memorial fund

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I will donate the $20 i was gonna spend on a Elite membership. That can wait another month. Please let me know when you find out about a paypal account.



Donation made I hope that it helps. Please let me know if there is more needed or anything and I will do what I can to help!

If anyone has pictures of John that you would like to be a part of his memorial service, please email them to to this address carterfuneral@aol.com.


I will be making a donation today as soon as I can get on break

I will donate as soon as I can. To John's family you are in our prayers RIP JOHN

OK guys we still have a ways to go on this.
I just scraped up all my spare change, and with a little more was able to send in 100.00

This is a challenge to you. If I can afford it, anyone can.

Time to rise up and show what we are about!!

For those who would like to make a contribution to Julia using Paypal. I have setup a widget in the notice at the top of the page. This will keep contributions separate from my regular PayPal account. I will send a money order to Julia with the funds.

Sent via paypal. Not much, but it's something. Hope it helps.

For those who would like to make a contribution to Julia using Paypal. I have setup a widget in the notice at the top of the page. This will keep contributions separate from my regular PayPal account. I will send a money order to Julia with the funds.

Just donated through the paypal widget. Thanks for setting that up, I was able to donate in < 30 seconds while at work..


I just got off the phone with the Funeral home, Sherril there is just the sweetest lady!

As of right now we're short about $2500 to getting this taken care of, to help Julia be a ble to start getting the rest of the issues she has done, this of course if the first and foremost.

So anything and all are welcome, please don't feel as though your $20 or whatever doesn't seem like enough, cause IT IS!!!

Every little bit here is helping in HUGE amounts!!!!!

I have been on the phone with Julia, and she has been running around like crazy trying to get everything done, and let me tell you, SHE REALLY APPRECIATES EVERYTHING YOU ALL ARE DOING!!!!!

She can't even express how helpful everyone is being.

And she still has a long road to travel.

Thank you!


Mark and Swak, I just saw that it went through and is working properly.:chug:

I also added the widget to my Facebook profile to help spread the word.

Donated via Paypal...

Donated a couple times :thumbsup:

Jeff, I'm not trying to be nosey, but where did we start? Maybe that way people can see that every $5-$20 they've sent has helped... Every dollar sent by every person helps! I know that people are sacrificing to send money. Even if its just the $5 that they would have spent on lunch out today.

I just donated through Paypal

Jeff, I'm not trying to be nosey, but where did we start? Maybe that way people can see that every $5-$20 they've sent has helped... Every dollar sent by every person helps! I know that people are sacrificing to send money. Even if its just the $5 that they would have spent on lunch out today.

Hi Heath,
The total cost of the services was $3785. So at the time that Jeff talked to Cheryl this morning over $1700 had been donated to help Julia in less than 24 hours. She also told Jeff that while she had been talking to him that two more donations had come in and that her phone hadn't quit ringing. She couldn't believe the support that everyone has shown to help Julia during this extremely rough time.

Again, thanks to everyone who has donated and to those who plan on donating. Every little bit is appreciated. We will be getting in contact with Cheryl again this afternoon and I'll send a text to Rick to let him know what the total is when we get to Houston.

OK guys we still have a ways to go on this.
I just scraped up all my spare change, and with a little more was able to send in 100.00

This is a challenge to you. If I can afford it, anyone can.

Time to rise up and show what we are about!!

Jon I know thats a stretch for you, I applaud you my friend... I donated last night to the Funeral Home. But since Tara and I stayed in last night for Valentines day and just got a redbox I sent what Tara and I would usually spend on a nice Valentines dinner out to the paypal Rick set up too...

Thanks for reminding us of whats really important Jon...

Happy Valentines Day John Rock...

Hi Heath,
The total cost of the services was $3785. So at the time that Jeff talked to Cheryl this morning over $1700 had been donated to help Julia in less than 24 hours. She also told Jeff that while she had been talking to him that two more donations had come in and that her phone hadn't quit ringing. She couldn't believe the support that everyone has shown to help Julia during this extremely rough time.

Again, thanks to everyone who has donated and to those who plan on donating. Every little bit is appreciated. We will be getting in contact with Cheryl again this afternoon and I'll send a text to Rick to let him know what the total is when we get to Houston.

See guys, every little bit does help... Less than 24 hours in and already more than 1/3 is done...

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I posted over at FordTruckWorld where John was known as ExtremeST.

Rick, thanks so much for doing this, I know I don't have to tell you, but John was an incredibly giving person. Even 100 bucks doesn't even come close to repaying the kindness and help that John gave me over the years.

I'd like to start a count of who is going to make it to the viewing tomorrow, I know John would have loved to see a line of 4x4's or Explorers. I'm planning on making it, if work allows.
