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Ford should be proud

Great Thread Idea.

I love my explorer. One of my friends saw it yesterday and was amazed at the technology and how cool an explorer can be. It's only going to get better and better.

The ride is smooth. My X has no squeeks or rattles or odd brake sounds. I take it smooth while I'm breaking in a new vehicle.

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I've had the Ex (Ltd, 20" polished, tow package, Nav) now for a couple of months. I traded in my 04 Ex and have never looked back. Compared to the old truck, this thing is nothing but awesome. I have a short commute to work and look for ways to make the trip longer. I cannot imagine anything else out there in this class that handles, drives, and performs like this truck. My old Ex with the 4.0 is an absolute slug compared to this thing.

The interior is first class. I showed it to a buddy who drives a 6 series BMW and his jaw dropped when he sat in it. You could tell he was ticked when we started talking about all of the features his car did not have.

There are 2 other people who drive this vehicle from time to time, and to be able to have everything re-adjusted with the touch of a button is incredible. MFT has been upgraded to 2.8 and is bug free. Its not perfect, but who else has anything close to this. The voice command features work 90% of the time for me, whether its finding a radio station, making a call, setting a destination or playing my iTouch.

I've had the regular stuff like outdated sync version, fan squeal, A-pillar rattle, and rear hatch fitment, but I took it to the Ford dealer and everything has been dealt with, no questions asked. Kudos to Kanata Ford in Ottawa, Canada.

To those that have ordered their Ex and second guess their decision based on the comments in this forum, my advice to you is stay away and come back after you have taken delivery of your Ex. That way can can add your own first hand info based on real driving experience and be able to sort out the BS from the rest. There is no shortage whining and complaining here.

This is by far the best vehicle I have ever owned. Everyone that has been in it has been absolutely amazed. They can`t believe Ford can produce a vehicle that is this sophisticated and refined. Way to go Ford.

I've only had mine for 9 days, but I'm very pleased so far. Great ride, lots of compliments from friends. No complaints about anything.

Well, MFT is kind of sketchy sometimes. I've not had any issues requiring fuse pulls or resets, but sometimes it just seems to not behave as it should...usually when I'm trying to show it to someone. Other times it functions perfectly, if a bit slowly. But no major faults or crashes.

All in all I'm perfectly happy with my purchase, and I was one of those starting to second guess my choice while I was waiting, and reading the forum.

I like my Ex too. I think we are all, for the most part "happy" but a little frustrated at how great this vehicle could be. Its almost there, but not quite. My frustration is that I didnt get exactly what I was promised in the advertising, I think others are too.

I too have confidence in Ford's ability to remedy these issues. All very good points.....hopefully our fixes are forthcoming but none are insurmountable.

PS luvmyfords Please pass on a big Thank You to your son. Its only because of him and others like him that we are afforded the security we have here in North America. Its that security that allows us the ability to sit peacefully in our homes and complain over the internet about things like SYNC and MFT. I for one greatly appreciate that security and never take it for granted.
I’m glad to hear all the great comments here. I remember from your previous posts that you have been working with Customer Service but please let me know if you run into any problems. I am available to look into issues and anyone who has a concern can message me with their VIN, dealer name, and approximate mileage if they would like my assistance.


i like my ex too. I think we are all, for the most part "happy" but a little frustrated at how great this vehicle could be. Its almost there, but not quite. My frustration is that i didnt get exactly what i was promised in the advertising, i think others are too.

I too have confidence in ford's ability to remedy these issues. All very good points.....hopefully our fixes are forthcoming but none are insurmountable.
I’m not sure which part of sgt1411’s post you were agreeing with but if you mean that you have been having concerns with your Explorer, please let me know. My above post includes the info I would need to lend a hand.


Hey Cory, really appreciate you coming on here addressing issues and leading people in the right direction for the help that they may need. That's the personal touch that alot of other companies are lacking. Your follow up is exceptional. Thanks for what you do.


I've looked at those new explorers, and i agree they have a lot of great features,

however it would be way better if they offered a 5.0 v8 option like they used to... maybe it might be offered later on.

great thread by the way

Offer the 5.0L V8 so you can have less 68HP less and worse fuel economy? Sign me up! :)

I hear ya... Just hasslin' :D

I've only had mine for 9 days, but I'm very pleased so far. Great ride, lots of compliments from friends. No complaints about anything.

Well, MFT is kind of sketchy sometimes. I've not had any issues requiring fuse pulls or resets, but sometimes it just seems to not behave as it should...usually when I'm trying to show it to someone. Other times it functions perfectly, if a bit slowly. But no major faults or crashes.

All in all I'm perfectly happy with my purchase, and I was one of those starting to second guess my choice while I was waiting, and reading the forum.
I’m really glad to hear how much you’re enjoying your new Explorer! Please feel free to drop me a line if you have any concerns or if you would like help with the issues you’re having with MFT. I still have your info from when I tracked your order, so all you would need to include is your approximate mileage and dealer name.


I've looked at those new explorers, and i agree they have a lot of great features,

however it would be way better if they offered a 5.0 v8 option like they used to... maybe it might be offered later on.

great thread by the way

Maybe look at the V6 EcoBoost compared to the 5.0L V8........

Hey Cory, really appreciate you coming on here addressing issues and leading people in the right direction for the help that they may need. That's the personal touch that alot of other companies are lacking. Your follow up is exceptional. Thanks for what you do.

Thank you for saying that! Being part of this supportive community has been really great. I may get a bit bogged down at times but I’m glad to help however I can.

mountaineerbeast, please feel free to visit and submit your idea about the 5.0 v8 option!


I've looked at those new explorers, and i agree they have a lot of great features,

however it would be way better if they offered a 5.0 v8 option like they used to... maybe it might be offered later on.

great thread by the way

In all seriousness, if you get a chance go to your local Ford dealer and take out a Taurus SHO with V6 EcoBoost. You wont ever want a 5.0L V8 again.

Finally some positive posts! I'm on a lot of message boards, and I've got to say this one has become a whining site for the 37 owners that have 2011's with a warranty issue.
I don't doubt that some folks have their glitches, but that doesn't condemn all new Explorers that have no issues. Noone else has such technology as this.
The SYNC and MFT in mine works fantastic. It beats the Hell out of Mercedes or Acura's systems.
My screens are on and running in 5-seconds, and the NAV is loaded in 7.
That's lightning speed in any car.
This Explorer is complicated, and you must learn how to use it including the online aspect of it.
Thanks for the thread.


This is my 1st post, but I've been following this forum since March when I ordered my limited. I endured the painful 11 week wait but have now had my Ex for a week. We love it. No problems with MFT or anything else. Hopefully it will stay that way. I want to say thanks to Chimoman for this thread and for being a source of entertainment for me with all your comedy. This forum made my wait for my awesome Explorer a little easier.

One more thing. The wife wanted an Acadia. Thank God (and Ford) for the new Explorer.:D
