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Let's go explorin'


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
About half a mile or so from our house is a city park with electric hook ups and tank drainage station. South of there is the brush dump. It is not trashy, just piles of brush trimmings for burn piles.

Driving past this though you discover quite a few river bottom trails, snaking through the woods and going down the river banks to a large gravel bar. Several creeks converge in the area making steep banks and notches.

I think it might be a good spot for some fun times.

Now all we need to do is set a date. I know it is hot outside, but to be honest this is the only time the river is down enough, and after some rain this takes some time to dry out being shaded as heavily as it is.

Let me know what you think.

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I'm in just figure out a date so I can get off.

Reporting in as well hopefully i can get the time off and make it this time :D

cyber find out when you can get off. I can take off when ever just need some warning.

Yes, Dave do you think you can make it to Kansas within a month? If so we can schedule this accordingly.

Yuppers i can since i am finally outta the Hole from all the repairs of late, so i am good now :D


this still alive ?

Today would have been a nice day and I'm off work to boot. Put me some Warn manual hubs on the KIA today so as Sponge Bob would say "I'm ready!" :D

Dave, how is that POS Mounty doing? :D:p:

think we're just waiting on you to figure out when you can get here.

would prefer toward the end of the month for me......as far as the date is concerned majority rules as i can take any day with enough notice to the company

Today would have been a nice day and I'm off work to boot. Put me some Warn manual hubs on the KIA today so as Sponge Bob would say "I'm ready!" :D

Dave, how is that POS Mounty doing? :D:p:

hmmmmm dunno should be convalescing in it parking space have not seen it in month or two now :( but was doing fine the last time i drove it

Did you ever get it running right or are you still trying to figure it out?

Did you ever get it running right or are you still trying to figure it out?

Me and Jon tried to figure it out that last time i was there. just need a few days off to really get after it and start diagnosing the issues with it.

I'm wondering if the PCM is bad. Jon thinks it had something to do with when we put the headers on it. It drove fine back from his place. The very next day it started acting up.

I'm really curious to find out what the issue is.

I'm wondering if the PCM is bad. Jon thinks it had something to do with when we put the headers on it. It drove fine back from his place. The very next day it started acting up.

I'm really curious to find out what the issue is.

yeah were thinking the last time it is something in the wiring harness or the PCM one of these days soon we will find out :D

It might be a while before I can make it down their. Transfer case is acting up:frustrate

Well with the rain I'm assuming this isn't going to happen now.

:fire: aw well such is life

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Well at least I'll have some new tires by then. Not going to comment on my stupid t-case.
