Cursed, I'm not meant to enjoy my EX | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cursed, I'm not meant to enjoy my EX


Well-Known Member
September 7, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Explemoner
I am seriously beginning to think that higher powers are trying to tell me something.....I'm just not meant to enjoy my EX for any reason.....

I'm ready to give up.....

First I was rear ended 3 months after purchase, then all the crap I went through with the TSB's and oozing foam and all that.....




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Did someone hit a homer into the parking lot?

Did someone hit a homer into the parking lot?

Exactly.... 13U team. Car two down from me had a dinger in the trunk that left a nice dent with marks from the seam....another had a cracked windshield.

On another note, my twins play at the 9U level, they played up a level and played a 10U tourney on another field and blew through all the 10U teams this weekend with a perfect record, winning the championship with a score of 10-0

In August they are off to Florida for the Elite World Series.

Wow, when will the fun stop for you?

Well... at least I don't see any bird poop...

Well... at least I don't see any bird poop...

Well if it were the drivers side window and drivers side passenger window, you would see plenty of it!

cnsheets- sorry for the crash-out, but it made me think of this story after reading your story:



Painter's eighth-inning homer smashed the windshield of the senior's personal vehicle as soon as it came down deep over the right-field fence of the Jonesboro field where the teams were competing.

Making matters even harder to take for Painter was this nugget: He had actually moved his vehicle farther out in the parking lot to try to protect it from precisely such an incident. Instead, that impromptu parking adjustment led to his windshield's downfall, as brought on by himself.

If that seems like a harsh twist of fate to you, don't worry, you're certainly not alone.

They're right, Mr. Painter- and you're not alone... Meet cnsheets. :D

But hey- congrats on your kids' baseball success so far! :thumbsup:

My recommendation is to get them interested in football... or maybe become mathaletes.

Isn't there a TSB out there for application of some "neat stuff goo" that will rememdy your problem. ; Just kidding.

Sheets, I feel for you man. You have some poor luck. I sure hope the dealer or auto glass shop does a good job on replacement and no new leaks develop. :eek:

Heres to better days with your Ex. :chug:

Good news is that I just got the window replaced, better news is that it's OEM for less than what I expected to pay for OEE.

I'll post some pics tomorrow in case anyone is curious as to the makeup under the plastic liftgate moulding or how the spoiler attaches , etc.

**First picture is strictly for VinceL only!**

Here are pictures of the new OEM glass and the interior of the liftgate and panels in case anyone is curious.

Also, the last picture, for those curious how the rear spoiler attaches:

Red Circles: 5 plastic covered bolts, 12 point socket removes these nicely, especially the middle one set inside the frame

Green Circles: Two plastic clips, the one on the left is accessible, the right is not, has to be pryed off

Blue lines: sticky backed tape between the spoiler and liftgate

Yellow circle: power connector for spoiler brake light

Side note, You can NOT replace the top spoiler brake light bulb without removing the spoiler as it mounts from the under/inside of the spoiler, including the lens.








