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Leaf Springs

I've had a saggy rear in my Trac for awhile now. Lemme know how it goes! I may need to jump on a set of these and ditch my shackles!

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I am still calling around for a front end lift, I may have to go with the Ranger front spindles, still doing a little research on this. Anyone that can offer some information on this would be appreciated!

There's lots of info on spindle lifts for our trucks in the lift options thread. Searching "sport trac spindle lift" gives lots of good info too. I'll give you some links tonight if I remember. Lots of homework and work tonight :\

Interscope 8, Thank you. I don't mind homework, or are you talking about yourself? LoLoL anyway, I will be waiting patiently and will be goggling what you told me to search for.

I don't know if the picture of my truck will show, but if it does, this is the heigh of my truck.


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So far, the only things that I have done on my truck is, added bull bar, nerd running boards, and hitch. I did get a radio bezel with the added aux switch to add fog lights. Sometime today I am going to one of the local salvage yard to pick up factory fog lamps, wiring, and a switch. I did find yesterday in one of the wreck explorer a full floor console . It would fit in the ST. I ask the manager how much with the brackets included. $30.00, not the color interior, but I am going to clean it and repaint it. :popcorn:


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Hey man! I didn't get any notifications about this thread and kinda forgot about it haha. I also can't remember where exactly I read about all the spindle stuff (I have a 4x4 so I don't retain much when it comes to you guys).

I remember a load of info in the stickied "lift options discussed" thread. There's a spindle lift category and after some reading people started throwing up links.

If you snag another bezel with that 2nd switch I'd pay shipping and the cost of the bezel :)

No salvage yards near me

Hey intrscope8, have you seen my thread "Preparing Radio/Climate Bezel? What color do you want it in. LOL. The only thing is that it won't have a fog light switch. I maybe able to check once I get well.

I want one with the 2nd aux switch. There are 2 yard near me and they don't have anything.

If you go out in the future and find one think of me!! :D

You do have a 4x4 correct? I have a bezel that I am practicing painting on with a 2nd aux with. I have another thread called preparing radio/climate control bezel. LoL What color do you want it in? LMBO

I have a 4x4 and color doesn't matter, I'm painting it when/ if I get it. I have one I painted now but I've been wanting a 2nd switch for awhile.

You will need the 4x4 switch selector right? Or the place where it goes.
