5.0 bigger cam, no tune? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 bigger cam, no tune?

I have built 5.0 Rangers with the stock converter and with a low stall unit.
They both perform very well, obviously we would all love to have beefed up transmissions and converters and tuners... we will get there!

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Assuming I was replacing valve covers to clear the roller rockers, any recommendations? I haven't found an obvious simple solution.

I have used the aluminum mustang valve covers they clear 1.6 ford motorsports and 1.6 Scorpion RR just fine, had to fabricate the oil fill
Also have used the Ebay aluminum units, again you have to fab the oil fill/PCV breather tube and plug the other side thats not used

Check out a big Crown Vic converter. They will have the mass (grunt) to
pull you out from a stop.
I actually saw another thread where a guy was running an 01 Vic torque converter with the same cam I planned on going with. I might have to look into that. I didn't see if he mentioned any other modifications that needed to be done in order to run a Vic converter or if it was just bolt in.

I actually saw another thread where a guy was running an 01 Vic torque converter with the same cam I planned on going with. I might have to look into that. I didn't see if he mentioned any other modifications that needed to be done in order to run a Vic converter or if it was just bolt in.

That sounds doable, good!

Not to pee on your parade earlier. I started with bigger heads and cam than I needed on my first project and it grew into them. Everyone of my projects has evolved over time.

There are used tuners available for these that are very reasonable and tunes kinda everywhere now. You could add one in the future if you are so inclined. You probably know that much can be done with a tranny to tune it without a tuner as well.

I just went through the valve cover issue when I installed some 1.72 rollers. I used a factory aluminum off a mustang on the driver and the passenger side I used a aftermarket tall aluminum that I had laying around. You could use a factory aluminum on the passenger side but the oil fill needs to be modified.

If you are going to buy a new converter (crown vic) why not just get one with the stall you want? The price should be similar?
