Need advice from an auto body mechanic | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need advice from an auto body mechanic

Aiden Hepburn

New Member
December 17, 2019
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City, State
Edmonton, Alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Ford Explorer XL
Does anyone have link to a how to video or instructions on how to remove the Grille Header Panel from a 1999 Explorer. Does the front bumper need to be removed first? Ty

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The grill surround (with grill) comes off easily without bumper removal. First remove the
black plastic top cover, which will expose the screws and clips that have to be loosened.

I removed mine several years ago to install a billet grill, and don't recall any particular
difficulties. This was on a 2000, but the 1999 is identical as far as I know...

Yes, the grille came off easy, what need to remove now the grille header panel, it sits behind the grille, its the piece the grille mounts on to.

Here's vid for half the process...

Here's vid for half the process...

i was able to remove the grill without any issues, what i need to remove now, is the piece that the grill was bolted to. On another forum i found out that apparently there is are two 8mm bolts inside each wheel well that has to be removed.
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