brakes locking/only starting when given gas? help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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brakes locking/only starting when given gas? help!


New Member
July 5, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Ford Explorer XLT
I just bought an '06 Ford Explorer XLT about five days ago. When I test drove it, I had no problems. It wasn't until two days ago when it took me a couple of tries to start it. Then when I was backing out of the driveway the explorer just stopped. The brakes locked and I couldn't get the car to go anywhere. I restarted it only to find the "check charger" alert came on. Today I took it to the dealer (I bought it from a Nissan dealer) and they said they checked it all out and found nothing wrong. :scratch: The check engine light was on which they turned off and said had never been reset from the previous owner. Come to think of it now, that can't be right because when I first bought it the engine light wasn't on. When I went to put the explorer into the garage the brakes locked again while in drive. I tried restarting it but it wouldn't start up. My husband gave it gas while turning the key and it worked. He said that's normal (which I don't believe and he knows nothing about vehicles). I want to take it to another auto shop but I know nothing about cars. What could possibly be wrong with it??

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The Check Charging System message means the battery is not getting charged properly by the alternator. A common problem for brakes locking up is the calipers getting seized and not retracting. Also called a "hanging brake". One was to test this is to jack the vehicle off all fours, start the engine, pump the brakes a few times, and with the engine still running and tranny in neutral turn the tires by hand. The fronts will turn a little easier than the rear. What ur looking for is one side being more difficult to turn than the other. Or if you drive it for a few minutes and feel the outside of the wheel for extreme heat. A wheel with a hanging brake with feel very hot to the touch. Also go back to the dealer and ask them what the PCM code was. If they erased it, it will take close to a week and several driving cycles for the PCM monitors to throw that code or codes back out.

Is the trAction control light coming on when the brakes lock up? Mine was doing that. That ended up being my left front wheel hub is bad and it's making the abs constantly kick in like crazy. I unplugged the sensor for now so I can drive the truck and I ordered a hub bearing

The Check Charging System message means the battery is not getting charged properly by the alternator. A common problem for brakes locking up is the calipers getting seized and not retracting. Also called a "hanging brake". One was to test this is to jack the vehicle off all fours, start the engine, pump the brakes a few times, and with the engine still running and tranny in neutral turn the tires by hand. The fronts will turn a little easier than the rear. What ur looking for is one side being more difficult to turn than the other. Or if you drive it for a few minutes and feel the outside of the wheel for extreme heat. A wheel with a hanging brake with feel very hot to the touch. Also go back to the dealer and ask them what the PCM code was. If they erased it, it will take close to a week and several driving cycles for the PCM monitors to throw that code or codes back out.

Thanks for the info! That's really helpful. I'm going to get it all checked out so I can figure out what the heck is going on.

Is the trAction control light coming on when the brakes lock up? Mine was doing that. That ended up being my left front wheel hub is bad and it's making the abs constantly kick in like crazy. I unplugged the sensor for now so I can drive the truck and I ordered a hub bearing

Nope no traction control light. It's just the battery light when I first start it then when I restart it, the engine light comes on. Hopefully it's a quick easy fix.
